Did john updike die

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John Updike died yesterday, January 27, 2009, of lung cancer. The author of the acclaimed “Rabbit” novels was 76 years old. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/did-john-updike-die ]
More Answers to “Did john updike die
Did john updike die
John Updike died yesterday, January 27, 2009, of lung cancer. The author of the acclaimed “Rabbit” novels was 76 years old.
When did John Updike die?
John Updike died of lung cancer on January 27, 2009 at the age of 76.
Where did John Updike die?
John Updike died in a hospice in Danvers, Mass.

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What is the point of being a writer in a world that doesn’t read?
Q: It has always been my dream to write. However it seems like less and less each year people read. For all you other writers and poets out there, why do you continue on? If no one reads why bother? Why not kill yourself? That’s what I’ve been asking myself lately.And what about a dream of becoming a famous writer? Take for instance John Updike. For the many, many works had published, he still received the smallest obituary in Entertainment Weekly’s issue of deaths in 2009.I’m 18 and I don’t know if I’m good at anything else other than writing. I don’t know if I could do anything else creative as a profession. I just want to be remembered after I die, and remembered for what I love doing.
A: Don’t be so pessimistic. There will always be people who read for the pleasure of it, as long as other people write things worth reading. Rather than focus on being remembered after you die, focus on living a life worth living. If that includes being a writer, then don’t let anything stop you. After all, when you’re dead you won’t be around to enjoy being remembered. But while you’re still alive, you can enjoy the rewards of being an authentic person who lives life on your own terms. And if you do it well, you will be remembered.
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