Can marijuana you lung cancer

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can marijuana you lung cancer”,you can compare them.

Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can marijuana you lung cancer
Can marijuana you lung cancer
Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer.
Can marijuana cause lung cancer?
People who have studied Marijuana have found that it has not been linked to any cancer. In early studies some say that they have found cancerous cells in people that smoked marijuana, and do other drugs. In a recent study they say no they d…
Does Marijuana cause lung cancer?
The latest and best research on the subject comes from the world’s leading expert on the subject, Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA. His latest research shows that marijuana smokers actually have slightly lower rates of lung cancer than those who …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can you get lung cancer or any kind of other cancer from smoking marijuana?
Q: from smoking weed like only once or twice a week?
A: Weed doesn’t have nearly as much tar and manufacturer-added chemicals as tobacco does, and so it’s link to lung cancer is much lower than with tobacco. However, anytime you pull smoke into your lungs you risk damage — it’s just not as bad as with tobacco.As far as reliable studies go, weed isn’t directly linked to any other cancers. There have been some studies that link it to some brain disorders, though those were usually with very high doses. One verified side effect is only in men — it can cause your breasts to enlarge and even produce milk…but again, at fairly high doses.
Does smoking marijuana have the same or worse effects, as far as getting cancer, as cigarettes?
Q: I was told that by smoking marijuana you can get cancer too. Is lung cancer caused by the smoke or the chemicals in what you are smoking?
A: There has never been one single case of marijuana causing any form of cancer. In addition a fairly recent study by Dr. Donald Tashkin demonstrates that there is no link between marijuana and lung cancer.While the smoke composition is fairly similar (a burning plant is a burning plant after all), it is believed that THC has an anti-carcinogenic effect which is why we haven’t witnessed any marijuana related lung disease.
Can anybody give a good reason why marijuana is illegal?
Q: Tobacco and alcohol is illegal and far worse then marijuana especially if you consume marijuana in food and not smoke it. Studies have shown their are no severe long term effects besides lung cancer but come on tobacco causes the same thing. People who are high tend to be a lot more careful on the road then people who are drunk, yet alcohol is legal. Alcohol casuse agression, fights, murders and all sorts of bad things while marijuana causes people to be calm. Marijuana helps cancer patients along with other illnesses. Surveys show that 75 percent of America have atleast tried marijuana. The economy could get a boost if marijuana were legal when they start to regulate it. People wouldn’t have to hide it all the time, they would not lose their job if they do it at home. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH MAKING IT LEGAL????
A: BECAUSE IT HAS THE WORD DRUG(OOOOO SCARY)in front of it and people hate drugs… but if it didnt have a attachment to the word drug it would be perfectly legal.
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