Can dogs have aids or cancer

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HIV can not be spread to, from, or by cats, dogs, birds, or other pets. But dogs can get several forms of cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can dogs have aids or cancer
Can dogs or cats have aids or cancer?
Yes. Many cats and dogs can live through it also. Others may suffer and die. But many cats and dogs have shortened lives with AIDS,HIV and cancer.

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Non-Vegetarians ????
Q: Like we, the humans have diseases like cancer, aids, etc etc.. Dont the animals have any diseases ?? even if u boil it, it would be surely having some diseases in it rite ? am not telling anythin to hurt anyone.. but am a pure vegetarian and i wonder how people eat beef and goats etc etc… ive even seen people eating dogs, arent u people afraid of diseases ?? ive been told by my grandfather that if u eat non-veg food, after ur death, there will be devils waiting to eat u.. he told after u die, u will be eaten by animals and devils.. and i have one friend who has eated GOAT’S BLOOD, dried and fried…. isnt that sick ?? (What if that goat has aids ?) whenever i feel about it , i feel like vomiting.. when u have so much of greens and grains available, why do u need to kill the innocent animals and eat ?? We people isolate people with cancer and aids, and even feel bad to touch them or go near them, by when u eat animals, dont u ever think that goat also can have aids..
A: First of all eating goats blood is nasty. Cows and pigs and chickens and fish don’t yet have any form of aids and if they did it would be unlikely to pass to people. They do have cancer though. Many animals that people eat everyday had some sort of tumor cut out of it. I don’t avoid people with aids or cancer, It’s not like you can catch cancer from someone. As for aids yes you could catch it but the contact would have to be exceptional such as having sex or getting their blood into an open wound. They don’t scare me. As for eating animals, that doesn’t scare me either. I’ve been inside a butcher shop and while I find they actual practise of killing animals gross I have no problem eating meat. I go into the practise of eating meat with my eyes wide open. I have no problem with people who choose not to and if they visit my house during meal time I try to accomidate them. I am actually quite a good cook of meat and vegitarian dishes. To look at it another way there are tons of chemichals and pesticides sprayed on vegetables and fruits everyday, aren’t you afraid of getting cancer from those? If you live your life in fear you live no life at all. I only give my children cows milk that does not contain growth hormones in it. That’s about the only concession I make as a meat eater. As for devils waiting to eat me, I don’t think so and if they are they will have quite a fight on there hands. Maybe I could eat them first? The animals may be innocent but I believe it is alright to eat them, as long as you aren’t wasting them. For example hunting for trophies rather than to eat the meat to survive. There are people on this earth who do not have the means to get food other than by hunting. I’m not quite sure where in the world you are but eating goats is not a common practise here nor is eating goats blood. I think the body needs the protien that meat provides and the fat for proper function. Yes there are things you can eat that provide these things but they are often more difficult to get and more expensive. I hope I have answered all of questions
Tell me what you think of my Idea.?
Q: Think about this. When people get windows operating computers, sometimes they get viruses. People sometimes switch to macs, and no one has written viruses for it, or at least not as many, and people don’t get spyware, viruses, etc. Well… If people can do that with computers, can we do that with human bodies? What if when babies were being developed, people changed the way the babies were formed. For example when we get something like the flu, if you cough and caught on your cat or dog, they won’t get sick. Well what if they changed is so a babies immune system was like a dogs in the sense where they can’t get the human flu. Using this, people could find a way to get rid of diseases such as aids and cancers. Can roaches get cancer? I don’t think so, so what if they made our immune systems like a dogs and a roaches? We wouldn’t get the flu or cancer. What if they continued to do this until all sickness was gone, and when people had children they couldn’t get sick. What do you think?I’m not quite sure how I would do it, but it’s just something to think about. Also, Spyware is bad what do you mean it’s like medicine?
A: Well that might work, I went with my mom to work the other day and tried it on a new born baby but the strangest thing hapened, before I gave it the shot it farted so loud that it opened the space/time continium!!!! It was so scary. There was doodoo and feces thrown all over the walls, it was very swollen…Later when I got home I consulted my alethiometer, it said I was way over my head so My Daemon Manchestra and I decided to go to sleep, I ssleep on a bunk bed and I fell off. The doctor said I might have brain damage-amage-amage-amage… Now you might be asking yourself the point of this story…Get it…I like Money.Oh, and I like stories, can you tell me one?
do muslims just ignore all the riiculous hadith in Bukhari?
Q: such as bukhari 73;68;1 its forbidden to laugh at someone who fartsBukhari 4:779 a tree is cryingbukhari 33;22 angels dont enter a house with pictures or dogsbukhari 33;23 dogs should be killedbukhari 4;522 when a rooster is crowing it means its seen an angelwhen a donkey is braying it means its seen satanbukhari 32;95 satan sleeps in your nose at nightbukhari 11;44 satan urinates in ears of non-praying muslims plus satan passes wind so you may not hear prayerbukhari 5;58;227 Nile and Euphrates rivers flow from heavenbukhari 4;53;353 mohamed makes the sun stop setting so he could finish battlebukhari 4:509, yawning is from satanbukhari 4;494 the sun rises between the 2 heads of satanbukhari change of weather at winter and summer is from the breath of hellbukhari 1;11;685 pray in rows or god will transform your facebukhari 1;12;717 if u look up in prayer u will get your eyes snatched from youbukhari 71;614 drinking honey cures diarrhoeaBukhari 71:640 no need for a doctor – readings from quran only can cure diseaseBukhari 87:115 if u had a nightmare you should spit to your left so the bad dream will not harm youBukhari 72:786 muslims should dye their hair. why? because jews and christians don’t dye hairBukhari 88:232 before day of judgement some women of an arab tribe called Daus will shake their bootybukhari allah has 99 names – whoever knows them goes to paradiseeven serial killers?Buklhari 1;9;490 if a woman or dog passes in front of you, prayers are not acceptedbukhari 1;4;156 never clean your penis with your right handbukhari 1;4;163 whenever cleaning your backside, you have to use an odd number of stones, 3, 5, 7 etc.bukhari 7;62;173 you are not allowed to enter you home unless your wife has shaved her pubic hairbukhari 7;747 when putting on shoes, you have to put on the right shoe firstbukhari 4;52;74 – how to guarantee a male child? by saying “allah willing””1 of the wings of a house fly has cure for disease”Sahih Bukhari 4:54:537this is false, wings of flies have no cures whatsoever”black cumin is a cure for every disease except death”Sahih Bukhari 7:71:592this is false. can it cure a cancer? aids? etc?
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