When do most miscarriages happen

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A:1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage. It is more common in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy than in the last few months. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-do-most-miscarriages-happen ]
More Answers to “When do most miscarriages happen
Most miscarriages happen between the 0-12 week of pregnancy. Miscarriage symptoms include: bright, period like bleeding, cramping and lower back pain.
most happen before the woman even knows she is pregnant. The egg may stop dividing or fail to implant in the 1st week. There are even some theorist who believe most of us start as twins, but one dies very early on (in the 1st few days). The…
The sad truth is that pregnancy loss can happen at any point in the pregnancy, but for many women, statistics on miscarriage timing can provide some level of reassurance. The … Read More

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when do most miscarriages happen?
Q: I am almost 11 weeks. I will be 11 tomorrow. Ive had 3 miscarriages before, and they all happened b4 7 weeks. Plus I have morning sicknessthis time, and ive never had it before. Do you think i could still have a chance to miscarry? I have no bleeding or cramping. I know there is a chance, but how great, this one sounds good. And If you know someone who miscarried later or around 11 weeks did they have bleeding?
A: i think you are fine. a misscarraige can happen any time. you just have to take care of yourself and your baby! follow the rules!
When in a pregnancy do most miscarriages generally happen?
Q: I am 6 weeks and 3 days. Ive been trying not to let myself get excited until 12 weeks… Because I lost my last at 5 and a half, but I’ve already beat that point and I feel so much better about this one.I need a reality check so I don’t get too excited, and then get really depressed if I miscarry again..?When am I REALLY in the clear?
A: Once you see a heartbeat the chances do drop a little as a lot of miscarriage happen before the pregnancy progresses to this. Then at 12 weeks your chances drop again by a lot, then at 16 weeks it gets even more rare. I read once that at 12 weeks the chances are 5% and after 16% its %. It seems that most happen between 6-8 weeks but it can happen anytime. I miscarried before at around 5 weeks and im now 10 weeks and i have had a few problems but i have had 3 scans 1 at 8 weeks and so far so good. Im so nervous. But i feel a little excited today for some reason. Although i cant say for sure what will happen to your pregnancy, take comfort in that you got further this time so what even happen last time is not happen ing again, i may even take my own advise x
When miscarriages happen?
Q: Do most miscarriages happen in the first months.. ?
A: the majority of miscarriages happen within the first 12 weeks which they call a spontaneous abortion but a miscarriage can happen any time in a pregnancy they just call it different things depending on when the baby died.
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