What are the risk of a premature baby

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the risk of a premature baby”,you can compare them.

Premature babies are prone to having apnea, low blood pressure, and infections. They usually need extra care when born. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-risk-of-a-premature-baby ]
More Answers to “What are the risk of a premature baby
What are the risk of a premature baby
Premature babies are prone to having apnea, low blood pressure, and infections. They usually need extra care when born.
Can periodontal disease increase my risk for having a premature b…?
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Can we assess each woman’s risk of having a premature baby??
Research has identified some factors that may increase a woman’s risk of having a pre-term birth. The risk of experiencing a premature birth is slightly higher for women who are under 20 or over 35. The risk is also higher if the pregnancy …

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What hospital in SF / Bay Area would you recommend to someone who may give birth to premature baby ?
Q: Hello, my pregnant wife is expecting a baby in 3 months, but she has “notch” and the baby is not growing as fast as it should. There is a risk that the baby might need to get born earlier than the typical 9 months.As I am relocating in SF for work, I was wondering what is the best hospital that has the right structure to handle that kind of more complex cases.
A: Stanford, Oakland Childrens Hospital, UCSF
has anyone had a premature baby around 26 weeks?
Q: my brother-in-law and his girlfriend just had there baby at barely 26 weeks gestation and i am just trying to understand this. I feel so bad for them but they are acting like everything is fine. They have been pretty naive the whole pregnancy and now im not sure they understand they have a long road ahead of them. I guess i just dont know what to say. I had my baby in march and she is completely healthy..she weighed over 10 pounds, i guess i just feel so bad that they are going through this and i couldnt imagine being in there situation but it is so weird how they arent even worried. I mean this isnt really a happy time is it? Does anyone know about the risks? The baby boy barely weighs 2 lbs. Is it still day to day? or as long as he is on the ventilator is everything going to be ok? I know he is in a good place and with all the medical advances everything should be ok…right? I guess i just feel for them.
A: This is so early that complications are very likely. It’s still day to day, but much earlier babies have survived and thrived. And like you mentioned, the medical advances give him a really good shot at being okay. I know that babies born at the 27th week have an 85% chance of survival, I’m not sure what it is at 26 weeks. I’ll send you a link on fetal development so you can see where this baby was at in his development. Good Luck to your whole family.http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/fetal-development/PR00113
Maggie gave birth 2 a premature infant.What can the nurse tell her about the associated developmental outcomes?
Q: a. socioeconomic status is unrelated to developmental outcomesb. premature infants are not considered high risk infantsc. the more premature babies weigh and the closer to term they are born, the less risk of negative outcomesd. premature babies with no visible problems are at equal risk as premature babies with visible problems
A: C – I think it’s C because doctors try to get the baby to stay in the mom for as long as possible….the longer the baby stays in utero the better chance of being healthy and less risks it has in the world.
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