What are some ways miscarriages happen

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A:Miscarriage happens when the fetus has abnormal chromosomes. 15% to 20% of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-ways-miscarriages-happen ]
More Answers to “What are some ways miscarriages happen
What are some ways miscarriages happen
Miscarriage happens when the fetus has abnormal chromosomes. 15% to 20% of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage .

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4 weeks 4 days pregnant 14 previous miscarriages really scared! Need some answers?
Q: Hi im 24 and i have had 14 miscarriages and 1 healthy baby, I am now with a new partner and this is our first pregnancy i found out a week ago 4 days before my period was due with a faint positive, i went to the hospital today they said i had faint positive line and i had a scan with nothing shown. My uterus has not enlarged is this normal?I dont like the way the hospitals treat do i wait and see what happens or should i go back?
A: I would not go back to the hospital; however, I would contact an OB/GYN and go in for a series of quantitative beta hcg blood tests.In early pregnancy, levels of hcg (human chorionic gonadotrophin, which your body begins to produce after a fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining) generally double every 48 to 72 hours. A test such as the one you took, and the one that was obviously administered in the hospital, is a simple qualitative test — it simply tells you “yes” or “no” on the question of whether or not you’re pregnant. What you want in your situation is for your doctor to take a quantitative test, which will measure the precise amount of hcg in your system, and to then follow that test up with another quantitative test a couple of days later — this will indicate whether the hcg levels are doubling appropriately, which, right now, is the best way of ascertaining whether this appears to be a viable pregnancy.As for ultrasound, at this extremely early time there is nothing yet to see by ultrasound, and your best bet is to wait until you are about 7 or 8 weeks, at which time you will probably be able to visualize a heartbeat by transvaginal ultrasound.All that being said: if you have not had testing done to determine the cause (if it can be determined) for your previous losses then *by all means you should do so.* And if you have had testing done and anything at all was found out, you may need to have specialized care during your pregnancy. But please, please, see a doctor about your losses. Is it possible that no cause can or will be determined? Yes, of course that’s possible. But it’s also possible that a doctor will be able to determine either a cause, or causes, or conditions that put you at an increased risk *and that can be addressed and controlled.* There are all kinds of things that can cause recurrent losses, and for many of them, all that is needed is some simple bloodwork to figure it out, so it can be addressed. I hope this pregnancy is viable, and that you have a happy and healthy 9 months that end with a healthy baby in your arms. And please, please talk with your doctor about this — at the *very least,* with your history you are a high risk patient, and your doctor needs to be alerted to this.
Is disease caused by some twisted superbeing, or does it exist because nature is a work in progress?
Q: The general rules of evolution and random factors make cancer, miscarriages, and various congenital diseases a simple fact of nature. What do these same things say about a creator being? Some of the idea’s given in here about why we have cells growing out of control (cancer), organs developing in less than sufficient ways (congenital heart disease), and embryo’s developing in ways that do not support life (miscarriage’s) just do not make a bit of sense to me. I simply cannot believe that I have heart disease because some cave man (Adam) messed up. I also cannot accept that my sister lost most of her colon to cancer because an “all loving” creator being caused, or allowed, it to happen. Feel free to explain whatever you believe.
A: Im not sure if it is nature in progress or the progress of mankind. Since there is no god we leave that out of the whole equation, kinda rushed this morning and have no time to speak of htat nonsense.Our lifespans are longer than they were say 150 years ago. We have found cures for many ills. But, is it possible that the poisons and preservatives that we use could be responsible for some of todays diseases? Is it possible that people who died of “consumption” had cancer or is cancer a “new” disease?You don’t hear of many folks dying of TB but heart disorders etc have taken over as leading causes. Maybe in nature we trade one for another
forgetting about TTC after a miscarriage?
Q: I miscarried two months ago. Since then I’ve been pretty determined to try for another baby..so far no luck. I’ve decided I’m going to stop ‘trying’ and just have fun and when it happens it happens..it may be easier said then done : / has anyone else decided to stop TTC at all or after a miscarriage? what are some ways to forget about it?thanks!
A: I’m really sorry for your loss 🙁 I’ve heard that stress can mess up chances to ovulating, of course being relaxed is always a plus to TTC even throughout pregnancy. Maybe try just taking it easy for a little while just so that you can be at your best mental state when you do conceive again. I wouldn’t stop stop TTC unless you feel you’re not ready yet. Good luck and wishing you a happy healthy future pregnancy!!!
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