Is high blood pressure a sign of diabetes

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Yes. High blood pressure (hypertension) is an important risk factor for the development and worsening of many complications of diabetes. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is high blood pressure a sign of diabetes
Is high blood pressure a sign of diabetes
Yes. High blood pressure (hypertension) is an important risk factor for the development and worsening of many complications of diabetes. ChaCha on!
What are the signs of high blood pressure and diabetes??
High blood pressure has almost NO signs — it is a “silent killer”. MANY people don’t know they have high blood pressure UNTIL they drop over from stroke or heart attack. the only way to KNOW you have high blood pressure is to hav…

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Can shaky hands be a sign of diabetes or high blood pressure?
Q: it seems like everyday my hands tend to shake a lot, mostly just my right hand. What could this be from?Oh, by the way, I’m an otherwise healthy 24 year old.
A: It could be but there are also non-threatening conditions that may cause your hands to shake. See a doctor. My father-in-law’s hands do this and so did his mother’s. It was something not serious that he just took medecine for.
What are the signs of high blood pressure and diabetes?
Q: My feet swells a lot after I eat, and my body stays bloated. I get little headaches off and on. Could these be signs?
A: High blood pressure has almost NO signs — it is a “silent killer”. MANY people don’t know they have high blood pressure UNTIL they drop over from stroke or heart attack. the only way to KNOW you have high blood pressure is to have the doctor measure it with that little cuff-on-the-arm thing.Diabetes has many signs, but it shares ALL of them with other diseases. Diabetics often suffer from tingling in the hands and feet — but so does someone with a “slipped disk”. Many diabetics suffer from being thirsty all the time — but it IS summer, and the weather IS hot and dry – – -. Many diabetics pee a lot — but if you drink a lot, you pee a lot.the ONLY way to know if you are diabetic of not is by taking blood tests from the doctor.Swelling of the hands and feet are NOT caused by diabetes, but they are caused by kidney disease (which IS caused by diabetes) or Congestive heart failure (which IS caused by diabetes).Hmmmm . . . only a doctor can tell if you are diabetic or not. Only a doctor can tell if you have high blood pressure or not. Only a doctor can test to see if you have kidney disease or congestive heart failure.Maybe it is time for you to GO TO THE DOCTOR?!?!?!?
is this a sign of high or low blood pressure?
Q: I am almost 16 weeks pregnant and when I walk around for awhile or (even worse) when I just stand still I get very hot,sweaty(clammy) and feel like if I don sit down right that minute I’m going to faint/passout….I also feel very thirsty… this a sign of high or low blood pressure?or do you think it could be diabetes?I want to know what the difference in high and low blood pressure is,I mean as far as symptoms go and what they do to treat these conditions?(especially with me being pregnant….but I actually had these symptoms even before I got pregnant but Its happening a lot more frequent now that I am)
A: sounds like low blood pressure. I don’t have kids, but I’ve been suffering from low BP for a long time.Make sure to stay well-hydrated and when you get out of bed or stand up from sitting hold on to something. Even if you don’t have low BP, drinking water can’t hurt.The thirst is a major red flag and not a sign of either low of high BP, especially if you do drink enough water. See your doctor and get checked for diabetes. If you’re not drinking enough water, it could be just normal thirst. However, diabetes is a serious condition, and you don’t want to go undiagnosed.
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