How far along is the average miscarriage

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A:Most miscarriages occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How far along is the average miscarriage
How far along is the average miscarriage
Most miscarriages occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

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When does the average women begin to show?
Q: Ok, I know that with your first pregnancy you will probably be almost half way through before you begin to show. Well I also heard that after that (2nd child on up) you tend to show much sooner. Well my question is does that include a miscarriage. I had a miscarriage @ 7wks. Will that count as my first pregnancy or will it count depending on how far along you were before you miscarried. I am 5ft and weigh 118lbs. I am currently 6wks preg. Every answer is appreciated.
A: I wouldn’t think that would count as far as showing…because your uterus wasn’t able to stretch for the baby to get to term. I’m not totally sure of course…but that would make sense to me anyway. I’d say it will be a while before you show yet…
Trying to figure how far long I am ?
Q: Just got our positive on monday and had a quantitative serum test done yesterday. My lmp was 9-27-08 so we thought that I was 6 weeks as of today but my vaginal scan only showed the sac (either gestational or yoke not sure) Got my test results and my hCG as of yesterday was 10,145 . My doctor was hoping I was at least in the 900 range. Had a miscarriage in late August so we are watching this one. Anyone know how far along I would be based on that? My cycles range from 33-38 days and average at 35. I can’t even find a good website that will tell me lol. The doc said I could continue to go in and make sure my hormones were doubling every other day. I didn’t pay attention to any of this my last pregnancy lol. help :)Yeah the concern is that my doc was shooting for hCG in the 900 range and over 10,000 seems too high to only see a sack. She thought that I was 6 weeks but she said that I couldn’t be that far along according to the scan. It being saturday an advise nurse told me my blood test results and was not able to tell me much more than the numbers lol… According to the limited info that I’ve found on-line a extremely high count such as this could be an indication that something is wrong. Anyone have such a high count at 5 weeks or so?
A: You are probably around 5.5 – 6 weeks. If your LMP was 9/27 and your cycles are usually 33-38 days then you probably conceived around 10/15. You can’t really date a pregnancy based on hCG because levels vary so drastically from woman to woman. The rate of increase (ie. doubling every 3 days or so) is what is most important. Being able to only see a gestational sac at a 5.5 week scan is totally normal.
hcg levels in pregnancy?
Q: hi i had a missed miscarriage 6 weeks and for the last 4 four weeks i have been ttc, i have had 4 positve hpt in last week but i was unsure if this was from my miscarriage and still having the hcg in my system. since been for a hcg blood test and my hcg level is 7600, is this average ror 4 weeks as i cant be any further a long cos i had a scan 2 days before i started ttc again so i can only be 4 weeks if i conceived 1st night of trying other than that i could be as far along as only 2 weeks, having another blood test to check how much they go up, just wondering if this is an average level to be at, thanks.hi i was 6 weeks into pregnancy when i miscarried and it was 6 weeks ago, midwife thinks its very unlikely the hcg is from my miscarriage as its too a high reading for it to be that, i have already been booked in for a reassurance scan in 4 weeks time so midwife seems to think its a new pregnancy, i was just wondering if that was a high level hcg result for so early into pregnancy, thanks for getting back to me x
A: since you had a miscarriage, the positive tests could be from the previous and not a current pregnancy. or it could be that you still have remnants from the miscarriage still in your uterus. you might want to go to your doctor and mention it. because if there is still traces of the miscarriage, it could make you very, very sick.
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