Can you have a miscarriage by smoking cigarettes. -amberlayy

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you have a miscarriage by smoking cigarettes. -amberlayy”,you can compare them.

A:Yes. Women who smoke have an increased chance of miscarriage and complications during pregnancy. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you have a miscarriage by smoking cigarettes. -amberlayy
Can smoking less than 7 cigarettes a day cause a miscarriage??
Smoking period can cause a miscarriage. All of the toxins in the cigarettes are terrible on a fetus. Quitting smoking is a very hard thing to do, but if you ‘re pregnant, do it for your baby.
Can you have a miscarriage by smoking cigarettes.
Yes. Women who smoke have an increased chance of miscarriage and complications during pregnancy.
Could smoking cigarettes have caused my miscarriages??
There is a chance that it could have, but it might have been some other reason such as lacking a certain hormone that’s needed to grow the baby, or a fetal abnormality and your bodys just gotten rid of it. Either way, you should definitely …
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