Are pains included in a miscarriage? MORE

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A:Several days after bleeding has begun. If you are concerned you may be having a miscarriage, please contact your doctor ASAP! [ Source: ]
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Are pains included in a miscarriage?
Several days after bleeding has begun. If you are concerned you may be having a miscarriage, please contact your doctor ASAP!

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How do you know if you had a miscarriage?
Q: I am married. Almost 20 years old. Had mirena for about 7 months now. Our baby is 10.5 months old. Been thinking I was pregnant for a few months now. I have a Drs appt Feb 11. (earliest they had) So, last night I was watching TV and had a RANDOM burst of blood. Out of nowhere. ALOT! Havent had a period for about 3 months now I thought due to mirena. Havent had any pain. Just found out my g-pa (im really close to) died this morning at 3:30am. (Dont know if that is useful) What are the symptoms of a miscarriage? What does mine sound like? No pain whatsoever, which is what I thought was included in a miscarriage. If you ask a question on here, check back I will answer your questions within minutes.Also, I have been wearing a tampon and when I took it out it was a brown color. Bleeding as like a HEAVY HEAVY period. Pregnancy tests (AT HOME) have remained negative.If it sounds like a miscarriage is there anyway to find out? Do I go to a Dr or what?Should I wait until my appt on the 11th to see the Dr?Also the blood was red! I mean just like when you scrap your knee! Not the normal period blood. no clots or clumpsMy mirena IS out of place. We found that out at last appt and they didnt have time to take it out or reinsert it. Thats what my Drs appt on Feb 11th is for. taking the mirena out.I have had mirena for a little over 7 months. I got it 12 weeks after my baby was born. Havent bled a drop for about 4 months.I KNOW I POSTED LAST NIGHT AND I AM WAITING A CALL BACK FROM THE DR. I WAS JUST WANTING SOME MORE OPINIONS
A: sounds like when the IUD slipped out of place it either plastered up against the uterine wall or otherwise situated in a way that resulted in a haematoma – basically a blood blister.the brown blood is old blood, so you’d been bleeding for a while, probably the original blood clotted up and blocked the newer bleed or the mirena shifted and tore it all loose.nasty things, IUDs. had one for two years when it failed – will NEVER have one again nor will i ever recommend it.
Miscarriage question?
Q: Last year in January I had a miscarriage with a baby of 14 weeks. I had severe contractions that where never ending for 15minutes. (NO BREAKS AT ALL) I was walking around, holding walls, my breath became weak and stopped for a few seconds at a time. I thought I was about to die it hurt so bad, I couldn’t even relax myself. At around 18 minutes I started feeling the baby coming out, the babies legs came first and the placenta.I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant, I’ve decided to have an all natural water birth. Ladies have told me that labour is very painful but, you can relax yourself so it is bareable. I’m really worried that my labour pain will be as bad as my miscarriage. I couldn’t even relax my mind let alone my body at the time.The Doctor said there was extra pain because in my miscarriage the baby was around 25cm and unpositioned. So when the babies legs came out first apparently its meant to hurt alot more. I’m not too sure about that. If my miscarriage lasted 18minutes, including contractions does that mean it was basically a full labour?
A: First of all, I want to say I am sorry for your loss last year, I know how it feels and to go through that is something terrible. I can share with you some of my experience and see if it helps a little.I had a miscarriage with my first baby when my husband and I were first married. I was in my 2nd trimester (around 18 weeks or so), and it was not pleasant. I had the same kind of contractions you were describing, never ending and excruciating. It only lasted about an hour before they had to do an emergency D&C because I wasn’t clearing it by myself.Two years ago my husband and I managed to have our first baby. I went into what I thought was labor when I was about 36 weeks, but it was just false labor. The reason I thought it was true labor however is it hurt MUCH worse than I had expected. It turns out he had flipped himself over into a breach position (like the legs coming out first). Anytime the baby is in a breach position it is called ‘Back Labor’, and according to my doctor, it is the WORST labor you can have.You baby was still small, like my first one, so in some ways it should have hurt less (no tearing or ripping and less stretching), but in other ways it is Much MUCH more painful than normal births when the baby is in the proper position. Not to mention that miscarriage is different from true labor in the fact that your body has had more time to prepare itself for the big event, that’s why we have Braxton Hicks contractions for the last 3 months or so.I went into labor again a week later with my son and they let me labor with him for 13 hours before my emergency c-section (breach). Those were the worst 13 hours of my life. I fully understood then why the doctor warned me that back labor was the worst pain possible in labor. It was TERRIBLE.This time around I am planning on the all natural birth as well. I cant do an at home birth because of the chance of rupture, but my doctor is very happy with me trying a all natural trial of labor this time around.So I kinda know how you feel. The miscarriage I had was terrible, but very short compared to the hours and hours of back labor I had with my son. I’m very scared that this birth (31 weeks now) will be as painful as the back labor I had with my son. My doctor assures me however that if the baby is in the correct position this time around wont be anything like as bad a s that was.I applaud you for going for a natural water birth! That is what I had planned for my son =)I hope it all works out ok, and honestly I don’t think it will be as bad as you remember the miscarriage being. You also have to consider that you were also in a very panicked state (I know I was) when the miscarriage was happening. The best thing for you to do is to try your best to stay calm. Calmness helps a LOT with the pain management.Good luck, and congrats on the baby mommy =)
After 8 years, my ex confessed she had a miscarriage where she lost my baby.?
Q: Last night, I received a message from my ex where she confessed why she ended the relation with me. She had found out she was pregnant, but hadn’t told me, yet. One day, she had a really bad discussion with her father that ended up in her having a miscarriage. She became so angry and desperate that she went into depression and shunned everything she loved and cared for, including me. At the time I tried to get back with her over and over, but she kept saying she wouldn’t go back with me, and started going out with other people. She never gave me an explanation, and I ended up with no answer as to why she did things that way. I grew very sad, and depressed because of that, and stopped trying to contact her at all. 5 years passed, by then I was trying to get my life together again, after all she had been the love of my life. Then, I met another girl, who made me happy and was loving, and caring and tender and I fell totally in love with her. I am now married to this girl, and will never betray her for any reason. But, now my ex found my Myspace account and after a couple messages she confessed me this. I now feel very bad about my ex, and can’t cope with finding out all of this. What should i tell her? Should I let her be my friend, and keep it that way? Or simply tell her to go away? Nothing she does or says now will make me change what I feel for my wife, that’s for sure, but I’m afraid my wife will not understand this. Am I opening myself to more pain, and guilt and remorse by allowing my ex to be able to message me and possibly become a friend?I need help.
A: You have no way to know for sure that what she’s saying is what really happened. That may not have happened at all. The fact that she started seeing other people (but not you) says that she wasn’t too depressed to be in a relationship, but at that time she just didn’t want to be with you. There’s a really good possibility that your ex is only saying these things now because she is aware that you are no longer pining for her, and have found someone else to focus your affections on. At the time when things ended, you were so in love and wanted her so much, that you continued to pursue her and beg her to come back. And she is probably feeling a lot of jealousy now that she is lonely and sees that she is no longer your obsession. And she could be feeling a lot of regret because she let you go, but never found what she wanted. And now she’s remembering how good it felt to have someone want her so badly.You really don’t know that her story is what actually happened, it could just be something she came up with in order to explain why she acted the way she did, without making her look bad. And whether the story is true or not, she is using it to play on your emotions to get you to reconnect with her. This will only cause problems in your marriage. It will make your wife feel insecure, which you should be able to understand (what if she wanted to be friends with a man that was “the love of her life”, that she tried for years to get back together with?).If you allow this woman back into your life, on any level, it will bring back a lot of pain, and a lot of old feelings, that will inevitably put strain on the relationship you have with your wife. It would be a huge mistake, and I hope you’ll tell this woman that you’re sorry for what happened to her, and there are no hard feelings, but you’ve moved on with your life and you can’t continue to talk to her. And stick to it.After all, this woman hurt you badly, for reasons you can never be sure of. She gave you much less than you deserved. Compare that to what your wife has given you. As you said, your wife has loved you and been wonderful to you. Your wife does not deserve to be hurt, and this situation will end up doing just that. Do not allow someone from your past to hurt your wife, and damage (or end) your marriage.
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