What is a weird Halloween costume

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Take a white shirt and write “go ceilings!” across it. Carry some pom poms and be a ceiling fan! Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-weird-halloween-costume ]
More Answers to “What is a weird Halloween costume
Is this a weird halloween costume?
The whole “bow” thing is kind of cute, and it could pass as Lady Gaga (she does pretty weird things like that). Good job with the hair..the bow is so perfect looking without a hair sticking out. You might want to try something mor…
Would my Halloween Costume Be Weird?
I think it would look fine! Such a cute costume! =)
What is the weirdest Halloween costume you have comeup with??
I once put on a pair of drywall stilts, a bear skin rug, and a baby backpack with my midget friend in it … we wore grey skin makeup and went as a two headed, hunched back, 8′ tall ogre … while our other friends all went as wizzards, elv…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a weird halloween costume for a guy?
Q: I know, it’s a weird question considering the time of year, but can you think of something. The more awkward the better.
A: a sexy maids outfit! with the belly cut out!haha,or a bikini??something that normally would look sexy on a girl! so try showing a lot of skin! ♥ 😀
Do you think this would be a weird Halloween Costume?
Q: Ok I turend 14 on septmeber 11, and I was wondering what halloween coustmes would be good for my age. I had a idea, about being a ballroom dancer with a long white dress and a eyemask. Do you think that is a weird coustme for a girl that just turned 14? If so please give me some more ideas.
A: I’m 15 and I think that is an awesome idea. It’s also very creative because most girls your age (that I know) would go the “Mean Girls” route and dress slutty. So your idea sounds very tasteful. I think it is a very good idea.
Do you think being a pregnant lady would be weird for a halloween costume?
Q: im like thirteen and im gonna go to a party, and i dont have engough material and stuff to make a for real halloween costume, so i was thinking i could be a pregnant lady. do you think its weird? or would you think its funny?
A: i saw a girl a few years ago and she was 12-13 somewhere between there. Anyway she wore a bathrobe and put a beach ball or a balloon up her bathrobe i don’t remember she wore her hair up in a towel and put cucumbers on her eyes + a avocado mask she looked like she came out of a spa, oops i forgot one last thing she also wore these cushy flip flop slippers!!!!!!!!!!I hope this helps, it looks like u could afford most of this with ten dollars or look is your closet PLZ PICK ME AS YOUR BEST ANSWER PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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