What does purple mean on mood rings

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A dark purple color nearly always signifies a sensual feeling, or romantic love. It can also indicate moodiness. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-purple-mean-on-mood-rings ]
More Answers to “What does purple mean on mood rings
What does purple mean on a mood ring?
purple on a mood ring means romance… purple on a mood ring means happy…… but since there is all kinds of different answers than maybe it depends on the ring ??
Does anybody know what dark blue/purple mean on a mood ring??
everyone i see it means love or passion but thats just the kinda king i get!
What does purple or green mean on a mood ring?
On a mood ring the color green means normal or average. Purple on a mood rings means sensuality. Thank you for using ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does purple mean on a mood ring?
Q: I have a mood ring on and usually it’s blue,but today its purple.What does that mean?
A: purple is a royal color,it signifies royalty=confidence,it also means ur happy,romantic or passionate and at ur best.
What does purple and dark blue mean on mood rings if they werent based off heat?
A: Here is the E-link to my Google blog:http://sheofmermaids.blogspot.com/The “Mood Ring Colors” of “Purple” & “Dark Blue” are listed in the “Mood Chart”. The specific moods which go to these 2 colors have always been basically what is listed on my “Mood Colors Chart” & every other “Mood Color Chart” as well. Selecting moods that go to different colors is sometimes referred to as “Color Psychology” & not always based on temperature.Some of the earlier proto-types of “Mood Rings” that came from the 50s to mid-60s (before the better-made ones which arrived in the late-60s to mid-70s), were said to indicate when the “Mood Ring” was in a “Deep Blue To Purple” color-range; “Moody, Emotionally Down, Bummed & Feeling Blue- In The Sense Of Sad”.
does anybody know what dark blue/purple mean on a mood ring?
Q: my mood ring wount change colors i is just staaying dark blueor purple does any body know what that means
A: everyone i see it means love or passion but thats just the kinda king i get!
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