What color prom dress should I get if I have blonde hair

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Try out colors like lavender or other soft blues, plum, or rosy browns. Avoid strident colors like orange or black. Do the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-color-prom-dress-should-i-get-if-i-have-blonde-hair ]
More Answers to “What color prom dress should I get if I have blonde hair
What color prom dress should I get if I have blonde hair
Try out colors like lavender or other soft blues, plum, or rosy browns. Avoid strident colors like orange or black. Do the ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I’m about 5’4 and i have fair skin brown green eyes and dirty Blonde hair what color prom dress should i wear?
Q: and im skinny…so should i wear a simple yet classy dress and i dont want pink or the lace stuff
A: It sounds like you might be able to get away with Gold. It could bring the green in your eyes out. Then again a jade or emerald green dress would really pop (not many high school girls choose green in my experience) and that would bring out the green in your eyes as well. Look for greens with blue as a base color (jade, emerald, blue-greens etc). Greens with yellow in them (lime, grass, yellow-green etc) don’t tend to look so good on fair skin.
I have pale skin with a pink undertone and pale blonde hair what color prom dress should I wear????
A: If you have pale skin, pale is not the best to wear. Also you do not want to wear something too dark either. You can try a combination of light and dark colors. I would recommend a green though. Blonds look great in green.
I have red/blonde hair, green eyes, and pale skin. What color prom dress/shoes should I get?
A: A dark green or dark blue dress with silver shoes would look really pretty on you.
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