How do you get an older guy to notice you

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To get a guy to notice you: smile and make eye contact, establish communication, make friends with him, get to know him MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get an older guy to notice you
・ 1 Act beyond your age. Yes, you may be in your 20s, but you are worldly. Think about all the things you… ・ 2 Take notice of his interest. Nothing is more impressive than someone who is genuinely interested in… ・ 3 Be honest with him. …
tell him you prefere mature men. – moan about childish boys – looks – ask for advice, help, assistance about anything
Lol im sorta in the same situation. However i am in the 8th grade and he is a 10th grader (sophomore) Soooo he does the same things and really i dont think he thinks of you like that. Im sure he would do the same thing to a sibling. I know …

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How can i get an older guy to notice me?
Q: okay, so im coming up on my freshman year. im in summerschool right now and there is this other guy, he isnt in my class, but he really caught my eye. i want to make a great in pression for my first year in highschool, but i really want to get this guy to notice me. im not sure if he is one or two years older, but i really want him to notice me, with out looking desparate of course 😉
A: well if you look older than he will notice you im your age and i always get older guys like 3-4 years older cause i am mature and look older so yea be mature and try to look older AND NOT IN THE SLUTTY WAY
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Q: im ashleigh’s sister… Im 12 how do i get a 14 year old 2 notice me?
A: Paint black and white stripes on yourself so he knows you’re jailbait.
How to get an older guy to notice you?
Q: okay well how would i get someone two years older than me to like me? keep in mind i’m a teenager. what i mean is what could i say or do for him to like me?
A: No underwear, skirt… bend over… repeat. I mean if you want to be skanky.
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