How do I grow a beard

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The first step in growing a beard is deciding to grow one.This is no trifling matter. Growing a beard takes at least 4 weeks MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I grow a beard
・ 1 Shave about 24 hours before the first playoff game. Even if you only have a little stubble, it’s still… ・ 2 Determine which type of playoff beard you want to have. Not everybody simply lets a beard grow during… ・ 3 Do not do anythin…
According to this website growing a beard is as easy as 1,2,3! These guys make it look so easy! Here’s where to go to find out how to grow a beard:
Most men, and even some women, have the ability to grow facial hair.  While not everyone can grow it thick enough for a full beard, many people do have the ability to get a little grizzly.  Growing a beard is not about just letting your fac…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to grow your beard quickly?
Q: A buddy of mine asked several people including me about how to grow beard quickly as he wants to have some hair on his face. He has been wanting to grow his beard but it never appeared on his jaw. He said that he wanted some change to his appearance. Any tips or solutions for my buddy?
A: Facial hair is all determined by genetics: some people have full beards when they’re 15, some never get more than fluff, but most guys are somewhere in between. Generally, facial hair will increase in amount/thickness through the 20s and into the 30s. Shaving will not make hair grow faster or thicker but it can make whatever hair is there look thicker as cutting facial hair gives each hair a blunt end; the effect is only slight though. Basically, you need to have patience and genetics on your side.Some guys respond to using Minoxidil applied to their beard area. This is a solution usually used for people losing head (crown) hair but it can SOMETIMES make beard growth faster, although it doesn’t work for everyone. Check out the beard board website for information and discussions about this and other beard topics (do a web search for “beard board” or go to www dot beardboard dot net). Minoxidil is available in most countries without a prescription and you can get it in various strengths (e.g. 2%, 5% etc.). It’s a bit drying on your skin but it may make your beard grow in faster. Good luck!
what is the fastest way to grow a thick beard, especially on my chin?
Q: like do i have to shave often? are there any types of foods that will help to grow beard? any other ways?
A: Testosterone levels may have an affect on hair growth. If you have had no difficulty with hair growth in other areas, in my opinion, this most likely wouldn’t be a presenting problem or factor. Certain ethnic origins have different levels of hair growth. Heredity plays a big part as well as your age. As for hair growth products, many of course are advertised but as for the authenticity of those products I would not be able to honestly state one way or another. It basically depends on number and location of facial hair follicles. Keep in mind that everyone’s body is a little different or unique and in no way implies that there is anything wrong with you.
How can i ever grow beard on my face?
Q: I am 17.My friends has beard like adults.But they make fun of me bcuz havin no beard.It is very embrassing.How on earth i can grow beard on my face by usin nearby hygenic tools?i am serious.
A: beards are very DISGUSTING AND UNATTRACTIVE! be thankful u don’t have one!
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