Can you wash spray paint out of hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you wash spray paint out of hair”,you can compare them.

Soak larger clumps of paint by saturating the hair with olive oil and then tying a piece of plastic wrap around the drip. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you wash spray paint out of hair
How to get spray paint out of your hair?
Mayonnaise. While this might seem rather strange, the oil from the mayonnaise will penetrate the hairshaft making it oily and loosening the paint. Comb carefully and the paint will come out without breaking the hair. This also works with gu…
Is it bad to spray paint your hair?
I don’t think it’s gonna fall out, but I can’t imagine how good for your hair that is. They make spray colors for hair. It sprays just like spray paint but it’s safe for your hair and it washes out.
Will spray paint work on synthetic hair?
No, spray paint will ruin the hair. Dye won’t work on sythetic hair either. Why not sell the synthetic hair on ebay? Then you can use the money to buy new hair.

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If I put canned spray paint in my hair will it wash out??
A: if it is paint for hair, yes, but if it is just regular spray paint it will not and it might even leave a gross plasticy coating on your hair.
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