Winter Health Hazards

I’ve always loved winter, but then I’ve also lived most of my life in Southern California. The last time we had any snow on the ground was in 1985, and it didn’t stay very long. That doesn’t mean that we don’t have our share of health hazards.

Dry Skin/Lips: Most heaters dry out the air as they warm it. This can lead to dry skin and cracked, bleeding lips. In SoCal, we have periods of time when the humidity is in single digits. When that happens, I think we all want to take a bath in body lotion.

Choose your lotion with care. There are different skin types and not all respond to the same treatments. If you have doubts, talk to a skin care specialist. As for the lips, try using a natural product over one made from petroleum jelly. Shea butter and bee’s wax are ideal.

Falls: Ice and snow are hard to walk in. Even though we don’t get snow, we do occasionally have black ice. The number of emergency room cases from falls goes way up in winter, especially when these conditions exist. While broken bones often occur, head injuries are strong possibilities as well.

It’s hard to avoid a fall, but proper footwear and paying attention may be able to help you avoid at least a few. Women, I know it’s hard, but walking on ice is no time for leather bottomed high heeled shoes. Bring them with you and change when you get to your destination…or you might not make it to your destination.

Snow Blindness: I was once told that no one needs sunglasses in winter. I beg to differ. When I was preparing for my driver’s test, it was winter in WV. I drove for sixteen miles and by the time I got where we were going, I could barely see. If there’s snow on the ground and the sun is out, wear sunglasses to avoid that problem.

Snow Shoveling Heart Attacks: This kills a lot of people every year. While it is usually men, women can have the same problem. Shoveling snow is a lot of work. It’s hard and strenuous, particularly if it’s the wet kind. The twenty bucks for the kid next door is far less expensive than a heart attack. If you are older, especially if you know you have heart problems, ask for help. It could save your life.

Winter can be a lot of fun, but it needs to be approached with caution. Each area of the country has its own unique set, so spend a little time to find out what might be a hazard where you live. Then you can enjoy all that winter has to offer.

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