When Are Bad Habits Helpful?

Some bad habits can actually, in the end, turn out to be helpful. They probably cause trouble most of the time, but there are certain instances when they seem to fit the situation perfectly. Since, after all, most people have at least some bad habits, it is probably good that there is a helpful side.

There are people that have bad habits regarding pointing out other’s mistakes. They are always telling their friends and family what they are doing wrong. It gets totally annoying as well as frustrating for the person that is taking the criticism. Resentment can build up pretty quickly over this.

Fortunately there may come a time when the person will actually point out one of your bad habits that you have not been aware of before. They may, in fact, stop you from making a huge mistake. Although, you probably won’t be inclined to fall to their feet and thank them, you will however, be glad you heard the criticism nevertheless.

One of the most common bad habits is procrastination. Putting off what people know they need to do is very common. They plan on doing it… just not today. Procrastination can actually prove to be helpful if the situation changes. Say you were planning to water your garden but you procrastinated, putting it off until tomorrow. If that night, it rains unexpectedly, you have saved both effort and water.

If you complain alot, people will tell you that you have too many bad habits. It creates a negative environment when someone is constantly looking at the worst side of everything. However, sometimes, the only real way you can get anything done is when you complain.

There are those bosses that manage by the theory that the person who complains the loudest is the person requiring the most attention. In other words, the squeeky wheel get the grease. When you complain in certain situations, you can accomplish things.

Working too hard is a bad habit because it is bad for your relationships and it is not good for your health. You are going by the theory that you will not succeed unless you put in overtime. This is not true for the most part. Yet, it is true that there are times when the extra work can pay off. This is especially true if you indulge in this habit for only the duration of a short project.

If you are too stubborn, people will accuse you of bad habits such as demanding to have things the way you see fit. You won’t give in until you are satisfied that things are moving along as they should. This is usually a bad habit, but sometimes, it takes the form of persistency. This is a positive attribute that makes it possible for you to hold on through the hardest of times.

Breaking the law usually involves bad habits. Drug peddling, theft, drug use, violence, and many more bad habits come in to play. However, some of the world’s greatest heroes have broken the laws of their own countries.

Civil disobedience of laws that have been deemed unjust or inhumane is a case in which ethics comes in to play. The world would be a different place if people had been afraid of having these “bad habits.” It is apparent that not all habits have a clear cut definition of being good or bad. It has to go by the situation.

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