3 Tools that Can Aid Your Online Personal Brand

Building and maintaining your personal brand takes a lot of time and effort. It doesn’t happen overnight — and it can fall at any moment if you chose to ignore it. Additionally, should you be looking for a job, new client, or just want to step up professionally, your online brand can really showcase who you are as a potential candidate.

Since we all lead extremely busy lives, here are three tools and resources you can use to help support your personal brand:

Analytics. You probably have a personal website a Twitter account, Facebook page, Google+ profile, and a myriad of other social sites. How do you know they are actually doing anything to help your personal brand? By looking at analytical data, you can figure out website traffic, where people are coming from, what they are clicking on, whether or not a certain time period increases traffic, etc.

There are also multiple places you can get this information from, like Google Analytics, through WordPress blog data, or even by hiring an expert. Whatever method you chose, knowing this information can be quite beneficial to you personal brand since you can adjust your online strategy based on the analytical data you receive.

Blogging. Blogging is a fantastic way to help your personal brand. If you produce content that reflects your thought leadership, your brand will have the sort of validation you are trying to sell to people. For example, if you are interested in the tech industry, writing about this on a weekly basis can attract a constant following, which you can then report to those who are looking for proof of your brand authenticity. Further, if employers and potential clients are looking for you online (which more often that not probably are), you’ll have a higher chance of being found because you actually have content out there, which helps your image and your brand.

Vizibility. Vizibility is the first SearchMe Button for Google. By using the service, users can pick and customize their top five Google search results, which are then made available through a free and permanent link, button, and QR code. Your SearchMe results can be placed on most online and offline materials, like business cards, resumes, presentations, and more. With Vizibility, personal branding has never been easier.

If you were at an online networking event, people can click or scan your results, making it easier for them to find out all the information quickly and effectively. Vizibility not only showcases your online brand, but also helps you maintain it, without you doing much.

What other tools can help your personal brand?

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