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What is the longest a girl has had between periods

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A:Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods. Severally unweight individuals may never regain their menstrual cycle. ChaCiao! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-longest-a-girl-has-had-between-periods ]
More Answers to “What is the longest a girl has had between periods
What is the longest a girl has had between periods
Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods. Severally unweight individuals may never regain their menstrual cycle. ChaCiao!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I have heard of ovulation, which happens during the cycle of a girls period. Between (usally) 28-32 days, but can be more or can be less. (for me my periods are ALWAYS like a week or 9 days early!!!! It is SO annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, what is ovulation, and when abouts during the cycle of a girls period does it happen. Also when it happens how long does it last for???? One more thing when ovualtion happens, (something to do with eggs relesing+ meeting sperm) if is doesn’t meet sperm and is not fertilized, so the person has NOT had sex. Does the cycle start all over again the next month???? Thanks :)Thanks, Ruby Rott!!! So Ovualtion happens 14 days (two weeks) before my period Starts. And 14 days after my period finishes????? And then this happens everytime I have my period, unless I have sex, after during the first ovulation and then when my period should come it wouldn’t (IF I HAD SEX, AND IT WAS UNPROTECTED)!!!!!!!!?????? THANKS 🙂
A: Ovulation means the time when an egg is released from the ovaries, about 14 days before your period begins. That is your most fertile time, when you are most likely to get pregnant if you have sex. Ovulation will happen on one day of your cycle. If you don’t have sex then the egg travels along the oviducts, into your uterus and is expelled when you have your period, along with the lining of the uterus. That is what the blood is made of.Then the cycle begins again, a few weeks after your period ends you ovulate and the same thing happens as above unless you have sex and become pregnant.
What is the time span between 1st and 2nd periods?
Q: I know that some girls take a while to get their second period, like a few months. How many months is the longest amount of time between a girls first ever and second period? I got my first February 28th and I still have not gotten the second.The first one was not heavy at all, it lasted a day and a half and was extremely light; spotting.
A: Like ‘Mel’ said it depends from person to person. Also saying that you’re first was very light I wouldn’t think you will be having a period too soon but like you said that was in February. I think (not sure if this is true) but what I’ve heard is that there is maybe a 3 months gap. But coming back to what you said it about it being light I doubt it will come around to fast, im a super heavy flow (hate being a heavy flow) but anyway when I first started there was a 1 1/2 month wait in-between and that was super heavy so I wouldn’t worry if it doesn’t come to soon but just keep and eye out for the signs.
For the guys, what type of girl would you rather?
Q: If you had a choice between a girl who is easy to get and has been with a lot of other guys for short periods of time or a girl who is hard to get and has been with a couple other guys for long periods of time, which one would you choose and why?
A: Well I would go after the one who hard to get She the one who would win your heart.The easy one come and go.And it hard to trust promiscuous person.
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