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What is some easy ways to burn 500 calories

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Ride a stationary bike for 1hr, Run on a treadmill for 30 minutes, wash your car, mow the lawn, do house work. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-some-easy-ways-to-burn-500-calories ]
More Answers to “What is some easy ways to burn 500 calories
What is some easy ways to burn 500 calories
Ride a stationary bike for 1hr, Run on a treadmill for 30 minutes, wash your car, mow the lawn, do house work.
What are some easy ways to loose 500 calories per week??
If you dont want to eat a little less each day, or exercise a little more each day, which are the two most obvious ways to quite easily lose 500 calories a week, try substituting your usual foods for lower calorie alternatives. Try substitu…
What is the easiest way to burn off 3,500 calories
I think that running for a half hour every day for a week would be the best way to burn the 3500 calories.

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If I consume 500 calories…?
Q: a day, and burn 800 a day, I would lose weight, right?? What are some good easy ways to burn calories? I want to know some things that I can do in my home without any exercise machines.
A: I would suggest not changing your diet…just add 30-45 minutes of exercise each day. You will lose weight and be HAPPY about it.You need calories to be healthy and develop muscles. Ketosis is not recommended for long periods of time, because it is basically your body eating itself.And for exercise: walking, situps, stretching, pushups, jumping jacks, jumping rope, dancing, anything that gets you to move your body will help.
im 14 yrs old 5 8″ 78 kg. im obese and need to lose at least 10 kg within 6-8 months healthily. pls help!!!
Q: i really need 2 lose weight healthily. my waist is 35 inches. the doctor herself has tols me to lose weight fast. i need some tips and shortcuts. i eat very healthy but i have to have something in my mouth all the time. i try my best to control but i cant. i drink lots of water. what food can i snack on which is no fat. i dont do muscle training as i am too young. i play badminton 3 times a week, walk at a really fast speed every day and skip 500 daily. am i exercising enough. at what time should i eat before or after food to help maximum calorie burning. also at what time and how long shld i sleep. i have heard that sleeping too less causes fat gain. i need help NOW. please suggest some easy ways and shortcut tips to lose weight healthily in at the most 9 months. Help!!!!
A: i can help you! never eat after about five or six in the evening! cause when you sleep you dont burn calories, so what you eat will turn to fat. dont eat a lot of potatoes or starches they are nothing but sugar! and try to stand up more often. just standing burns more calories than sitting. chew gum or eat ice to keep something in your mouth. stay active, clean around the house and help your mom out as much as possible, she will benifit and so will you because your moving, you need to self decipline your self, be strong, and before you know it youll be fit.
Animal Pak, N O Xplode, Cell Mass, NO2 workout questions. Is BSN Nitrix Good? easy 10 points for you!?
Q: Hi, i recently bought a 2 pound protein and a small animal pak. Hopefully I could make them both last about 3 weeks. It was like 50 bucks for both but I dont mind cause i need something good while I cyled off NO2 and creatine. ( just finished 60 scoops of N O Xplode and 40 of Superpump 250 and 60 scoops of Cell mass)My question is, The super pump or N O Xplode didn’t really do much to give me this “Metal Focus” or “Pump” they say you feel, and I was taking close to 4 scoops at times. But I guess thats enough NO2 for my body especially since its the first times I take such Nitric Oxide Supplements. I was wondering when I do go back on my cycle of NO2 and creatine, Should I stay on the Animal Pak? Also should I buy another Cell Mass because It lasted about 3 weeks longer than N O Xplode cause the scoops are smaller, and I only take it right after my workout, Followed by a good scoop or 2 of protein shake 20-30 mins later.I Know Animal Pak is the best Multi Vitamins and Minerals thing, And should be the foundation of every body builders routine, Just like Protein. My main question is WHEN is the best to take it? Yesterday was my first day taking the animal pak, I only have 15 of them so I kind of “loaded” and took one pak in the morning and another before bed with a slow digesting protein shake. I will probably buy a 44 pack of it online later, but for now all i have is about 12 left.Some people say the best time to take it if you only take one pack is in the morning with breakfast. Others say before bed is good since its the longest period you go without pissing all the Vitamins out. Others say right before a workout on empty stomach, which i might do since I am on my “Off” Cycle with the Nitric Oxide and currently take nothing pre- workout.Also I really want to get a 6 pack fast, I am very close to getting it and I could do a good 150-200 crunches nonstop. I know my abs are strong and its just a matter of time before my 6 pack pops out. My diet is good, All I need is a good Cardio foundation to burn more calories to get the 6 pack. Is it good if I set aside one day of the week (Saturday, when I have a lot of energy when I wake up) and do real heavy cardio? I am talking about burning a good 500 calories or more in about an hour and a half. Like jogging 5 miles on the tredmill nonstop and maybe work my way up like half a mile every Saturday morning.Another question regarding this cardio routine is, since I am still doing heavy lifting even when I am not on the NO2 or creatine supplements, will I still get more Muscle Mass and Cut since I am doing that heavy Cardio? Should I take an animal Pak on the day I do the heavy Cardio? What about Protein shake when I am done?Thanks I really need help on these basic questions that I believe any good workout knowledgeable person should know. If you could answer most or some of these questions I have I really would appreciate it. I will choose the best answer in 2 or 3 days. Thanks.P.S Anyone that has used BSN Nitrix is it good? I hear it gives you good energy throughout the day, and should be taken 1-2 times a day on training days. If this is true, I will probably get it instead of N O Xplode in about 3 weeks. hopefully the 360 pack one so it could last me a while.Thanks
A: TOO wordy.No patience to read all. From what little I read, yup, go for it. All of them are good for you.
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