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What do sharp abdominal pains usually mean

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What do sharp abdominal pains usually mean”,you can compare them.

A:Abdominal pain is common. Episodes often stem from overeating or eating too much of a certain type of food. Sometimes a MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-sharp-abdominal-pains-usually-mean ]
More Answers to “What do sharp abdominal pains usually mean
What do sharp abdominal pains usually mean
Abdominal pain is common. Episodes often stem from overeating or eating too much of a certain type of food. Sometimes a MORE?
What does it mean when you’ve been urinating frequently and have …?
The immediate concerns may be urinary tract infection, bladder infection or kidney infection. But these possibilities just head a list of other “maybe” issues. Frequent urination, particularly if there is little passed fluid, wo…
What could sharp stinging abdominal pain mean
The physician will try to elicit the area of the abdomen where the pain originates when determining the cause of abdominal pain.

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A: Wait for your dr apt, thats the only way
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A: So I guess that your not john_boy haha Just kiddingtype in costochrondritis and see if this may helpI also would try mayoclinic.com and click on symptom checkerAs far as your eye problem is concerned I would call and ask an opthamologist
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A: If you had unprotected sex, pregnancy is possible.But if you’ve had 3 negative tests, you probably aren’t pregnant THIS time … but you’re luck will run out eventually, so use birth control. (And in the mean time, see your doctor for a blood pregnancy test just to be sure.)
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