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What could cause left lower quadrant abdominal pain

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A:Left lower quadrant abdominal pain could be caused by appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, constipation, and diverticulitis. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-cause-left-lower-quadrant-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What could cause left lower quadrant abdominal pain
What would cause pain in the lower left quadrant of my abdomen??
Pain in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen can be suggestive of any number of things. While this pain may be benign, it may also represent a serious underlying condition. Only a physician can properly — responsibly and accurately — de…

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A: Get your appendix checked out right away.
Pain with Diverticulosis, please help, whats going on?
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A: Hi ☼▬krazegurl▬☼, Rhianna told me you were looking for my input. Your symptoms are consistent with mild diverticulitis, in someone with a past history of proven diverticulosis. ( I guessed you had to be medical BTW, you used the correct endings for the condition, many doctors don’t!) You don’t give your age, but you are perhaps aware that a huge percentage of the population of the Western World have a level of diverticulosis,as they, shall I say mature. Also your past ED might have contributed to the risk of its development. I have always quite liked the logic of the supposed pathophysiology of the condition, slow bowel transit allowing additional fermentation, raising the pressure in the large bowel and pushing out pouches. One can almost picture the process, nice, but unproven. However if you follow it to its logical conclusion, increasing fibre when you already have the condition could, at best, only reduce it increasing in severity, rather than do anything for pre-existing diverticulae.I think many people do get mild episodic flare ups without getting full blown, toxic attacks. Did the ER guy do a full blood work up? I might expect a raised white count, ESR/CRP even with a mild flare up. If this was not checked your GP should do them, even if they were any change in these results might also be helpful. I would stick to clear fluids only for the moment. I was pretty anti-antibiotics in general for the whole of my GP career, but I know some GPs who would automatically give them in even mild diverticulitis. I probably would not in the absence of fever or other definite signs of active inflammation.The most difficult question is if I were your GP what level would I pitch investigation? How often do you investigate someone that you know has diverticulosis when they get yet another flare up of probable mild diverticulitis? There is of course no correct answer. The safe choice, the American pay as go option, is every time of course, you miss less, but is it justified? Colonoscopies are uncomfortable. There is an argument for a watching brief, monitoring inflammatory markers and being aware of any warning signs that suggest the problem is more serious, or that there might be an alternative diagnosis.
What is causing my abdominal stabbing pain? Please Help?
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A: You know even cat scans have there limitations and the next best thing would be an MRI however they are very expensive. CT scan is about $400-600 and a similar fee to read it by the radiologist. An MRI is about $1500 and another $1500 to read it by the radiologist. Your surgeon is blowing you off as there is noting obvious, but you know your body… Some of these guys get burned once and operate on a complainer, only to find nothing. Then they become callous and never believe a patient again unless there is a clinical correlation. He is right about the bleeding if it was a torn muscle but then again it could have been an occult tear and not so easily discerned. Look for another surgeon and see if he has any better ideas, or at least will stick his neck out to authorize an MRI.
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