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What could be causing my abdominal pain in the lower left side of my abdomen

Health related question in topics Side Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What could be causing my abdominal pain in the lower left side of my abdomen”,you can compare them.

A:As its in the region of your colon, the pain could be caused by not having regular bowel movements. You should see a doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-be-causing-my-abdominal-pain-in-the-lower-left-side-of-my-abdomen ]
More Answers to “What could be causing my abdominal pain in the lower left side of my abdomen
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As its in the region of your colon, the pain could be caused by not having regular bowel movements. You should see a doctor.
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Possible causes of severe abdominal pain on lower left side?
Q: Yesterday I experienced the worst pain of my life (worse than breaking bones, migraines, worse than anything I’ve ever felt) and it was is in the lower left side of my abdomen. The one big thing I noticed other than the pain was that I could feel my heart beat from the spot where it hurt, and it kept dropping my blood pressure to the point where I nearly passed out several times. It also radiated around to my back a few times causing severe pain there as well.I know this isnt a doctors office but I cant see anyone for at least 5 or 6 more hours and, since the pain has come back, I’m hoping someone might know what it could possibly be.I thought maybe kidney stones since I’ve had to go to the bathroom about 10x more than usual and having a full bladder made everything hurt worse. Also, I’ve had my apendix out so it isnt that, and I have alot of experiance with cramps, cysts, intestinal problems and all sorts of other abdominal pain and this feels nothing like any of those things, not like anything I’ve ever felt before.ThanksI’m so glad to hear that I’m not the only person who’s had this type of pain lol.It does really hurt when I bend and especially when I try to stand up straight, and when I have to walk at all. I’m totally hunched over. I dont know why I didnt think about the fact that it could be a ruptured cyst, I’m going to google that to get more info. I’ve never had one rupture before. Maybe that would account for the heart beat and the BP issues too.I’m sorry they couldnt figured out what was wrong with you Ben. That has to be really frustrating. I will be sure to post any diagnosis that I get if they are able to figure out whats wrong (that way you can at least have some sort of idea of what could have been causing your pain).Thanks you guys!
A: ive had this pain before, in exactly the same area. i know how you felt, it is very painful indeed. i am sorry for you. when i had it, it particularly hurt standing up, bending, and standing up straight, but was slightly less painful when sitting down. i went to a hospital and was looked at, i was given some medicine, which i had, it still hurt for most of the day, i took the medicine again and eventually it was better. but the doctors had no explanation for it! they thought it was something in particular, so they asked me to bend down, but i could do that without too much pain, so it clearly wasnt that – it was really strange
What could cause this lower abdominal pain?
Q: Yesterday, my boyfriend and I were being “intimate” and all of a sudden i got this sharp excruciating pain in my lower abdomen (in the center, not to the right or left side). It hurt when i stood up straight or put pressure on it. Lasted about 6 or so hours and receded to a very very dull pain that’s still there now . Not that bothersome but it’s worrying me. What are some possible causes? Also, my lower back seems to be a little (emphasis on “little”) sore. These are the only symptoms.PS: if it’s relevant, I’ve been on the pill for almost a year but not doing a great job taking it at the same time every day lately. It’s a week and a two days before my next period.
A: Ive had that before, after sex, esp when you bf has a long penis and when its a little ruff… I thinks its just your cervix being jabed to hard maybe??
Lower right side intermittent abdominal pain with muscle soreness, So frustrated, please help!!!?
Q: Hi, Im 18 and Female. For over 2 years now I have been suffering from attacks of lower right side abdominal pain. I have had appendicitis already and had that removed. Every time I get the pain it stars with the muscles in my body feeling like they are bruised all over, mostly in my upper arms and upper legs, I also become quite weak and find it difficult to lift simple things like a full orange juice carton. I am under weight but eat well and love food, I do not know if my weight is a symptom connected with my pain or just my natural build, I am also naturally weak muscle wise but become weaker when I have an attack of the pain and soreness. The muscle soreness continues and next it is accompanied by a dull heavy ache in my lower right abdomen. I sometimes feel nauseous with it as well. The pain and muscle soreness can last anywhere between a day to just over 2 weeks and happens randomly. I have been to the doctors again and again and im starting to get very frustrated because I dont feel it is being taken seriously when it causes me a lot of discomfort however there has still been a lot of investigation into it which I am thankful for. I have had many ultra sounds showing nothing, on physical examination when getting the pain doctors said now hard mass can be found however my muscles are tensed up around the area and twitch, it also hurts when the press on the back and front of the area of pain. I had a severe kidney infection when I was 7 which left me in hospital and I was told to be lucky to have no apparent kidney damage, I have been tested for kidney infections every time I get the pain sometimes they come back positive sometimes negative so I sometimes have antibiotics sometimes not and occasionally they help other times they do not :S on having blood tests abnormal amounts of urate have been found in the blood sometimes and other times not. However on almost every urine test protein, blood etc have been found, when I have the pain, but not usually the one which indicates an infection. When I am not suffering an attack I am well and mostly healthy other than being underweight an having little natural muscle. Please if anyone has had similar experiences and knows of what this could be id really love to hear from you!! I am so frustrated and just want an answer because the pain can get so painful when it peaks and im fed up! Thank you!
A: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=diabetes+kidneys&fr=ush-ans&ygmasrchbtn=Web+Search avoid sugar.
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