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What are some foods that cause abdominal pains

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A:Most fried foods cause abdominal pain. Just think of all the grease you are intaking. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-foods-that-cause-abdominal-pains ]
More Answers to “What are some foods that cause abdominal pains
What are some foods that cause abdominal pains
Most fried foods cause abdominal pain. Just think of all the grease you are intaking. Thanks for using ChaCha!
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A: When I was at 37 weeks with my now 5-year old, I started having the same thing. They were contractions, but preparatory ones. The doctor’s office hooked me up to a machine that detected they were indeed contractions, and they were worried I would go into premature labor- wanted to give me stuff to stop ’em. I was also dilated to about a 3- don’t remember that part for sure.I had been reading a lot and felt sure I was just getting ready, so I refused. Besides, that late in the pregnancy, chances were good of baby doing well if I did go into labor.At 39 weeks, I still hadn’t gone into full labor. From an ultrasound, they feared the baby was TOO BIG now and wanted to induce the following day. I agreed since I felt tired and ready (and was an impatient first time almost Mommy).The next day, I got ready, then before they could induce me, went into actual labor. Because I had had these “preparatory” contractions I believe you are describing, my labor was only a few hours long and Very easy. I think you are blessed if this is the case because it is better to have semi-severe contractions over time then a ton of full ones over say, 48 hours. Good “luck.”
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My dog is sick with abdominal pains. What might it be?
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A: he could have an obstruction. go back to the vet. ask them to do a barium series. barium is a white milky substance that will show up on xray. giving it orally allows the vet to monitor the gi tract for blockages by taking several xrays through the day until all the barium is in the colon.
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