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Is it normal if my period only comes every 4 or 5 months

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A:Amenorrhea is the absence of a period of 180 days or longer. Some causes are contraceptives, stress, medication, hormonal MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-normal-if-my-period-only-comes-every-4-or-5-months ]
More Answers to “Is it normal if my period only comes every 4 or 5 months
Is it normal if my period only comes every 4 or 5 months
Amenorrhea is the absence of a period of 180 days or longer. Some causes are contraceptives, stress, medication, hormonal MORE?

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can u only concieve within 4 days of the calenda month when u r ovulating?
Q: lmy periods come every 35 days around about since i came off pill 5 months ago so i cant b sure of my ovulation dates i want to know if this is the only time u can get pregnant or doesnt it matter i had a funny period last month and was two weeks later than my 35 days after havin normal periods every 4 weeks b4 takin the pill so now im confused and worried that i may have miscarried my breasts were tender and my nipples were sore .i was on holiday at the time and with my cycle bein every 35 days at moment i should have come on the 21 august but didnt come on til 4 sept i did go on a bunji jump would this have caused me any problems the question seems daft but i gotta know so im careful next time please help thanx
A: You can only get pregnant if there is enough viable sperm to fertilise the egg when it is released. It is thought that sperm can live for a maximum of seven days, the egg can survive up to around twenty four hours maximum, you can however release more than one egg so then the time is longer. Some women ovulate really early in their cycle and that is why they get pregnant when they have intercourse at the end of their period as the sperm is still alive when they ovulate, but if that same women only had sex say on day five of her cycle and ovulated on day 20 then it is not going to make her pregnant . I would advise that you start to track your cycles using the temperature method. There are some good websites I think that one is called myfertilityfriend.com. there is a good book that explains all about ovulation and what conditions sperm need to survive by Toni Walsh. It is called taking charge of your fertility.It sounds to me as though you are either ovulating later in your cycle or you have a longer luteal phase. I hope this helps.
I was pregnant and got an abortion about 4-5 months ago. And having brown spotting..?
Q: I was pregnant and got an abortion about 4-5 months ago; Which by the way I totally regret, but it’s hard because i’m only 15. And I have been having pink spotting for a couple days now. And actually a day ago I started having brown spotting, could I be pregnant? I took a pregnancy test like 4 days ago, but it was negative. But my regular period comes around the 9th of every month since I am on BC (birth control). I am nervous because I am an honor roll student, and I wanna go to college and stuff, but if I am pregnant, I am not getting rid of it. But i am afraid because last time my mom freaked out, and my dad didn’t know because i’d get kicked out. Please Help! Please don’t judge me, just give me answers. What do I do? Is this normal? Do you think I’m pregnant?* Please, I’m only 15 and I’m worried. And by the way, my boyfriend is not one to get up and leave me, we’ve been together a whole year, and he’s never left my side once, not even the last pregnancy, or the abortion.My doctor doesn’t understand, and just nagged me last time. I don’t feel comfortable talking to my parents or my doctor. Things are already bad at home with my parents and stuff.
A: Sweet Jesus, why didn’t you learn your lesson? That’s being very irresponible. Use condoms, even while on birth control, because I’m sure you know, the pill is not 100% effective. Enjoy being a kid, before you bring one into the world. Take a test if you miss your period. We can’t tell you if you’re pregnant, or if the pill threw your cycle off.
im so depressed! i dunno what to think..?
Q: ughh im so mad!i am ttc with my husband for two years now. we really want a lil one. =(i always have normal periods every month for 5-6 days long.my last period was may 1-6then i spotted very brownish on june 4-5. Just once on each day. I put a tampon in and when i took it out, it was nothing on it. I did that onthe 4th and 5th. ughhever since then i have not spotted or had my period!! what is wrong?? i have tested 4 times and all negative.you think my hCG levels are too low??i mean, i have all the symptoms..i dont understand! Was that spotting my period or implantation?? if it was my period, how come it was only ONCE one each day!?? It wasnt even a full day!! But, If it was implantation, how come i keep getting negatives??HELP!
A: aww hunni…it can take a year for a healthy woman to conceive and it takes 14 days after ur missed period to get an accurate result…hope this makes u feel better…get a blood test…
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