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Does pregnancy cause abdominal pain

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “Does pregnancy cause abdominal pain”,you can compare them.

A:Some short-term achiness in the belly is normal during pregnancy. Severe cramping or pain never is. If severe call doctor ASAP! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-pregnancy-cause-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “Does pregnancy cause abdominal pain
Does pregnancy cause abdominal pain
Some short-term achiness in the belly is normal during pregnancy. Severe cramping or pain never is. If severe call doctor ASAP!
Is abdominal pain a sign of pregnancy?
not all abdominal pain is a sign of pregnancy it could be signs of some other medical reason if you are unsure you should speak with your doctor especially if you are having severe pain on a regular basis
Is abdominal pain a symptom of pregnancy?
Abdominal Pain as a Symptom Stomach pain can be a symptom of many things, including pregnancy. Here are opinions and advice from FAQ Farmers: ・ Don’t think that it’s the baby kicking or something, usually with pregnancy it’s merely gas. Don…

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A: As unfortunate as it is for my hubbie*, i will not let him inside me while i’m pregnant because im scared he’s poking the baby and will mess something up. I had to figure out ‘other ways’ to pass the time. After we tried intercourse in the beginning, i got ab pain but not severe..so i made the decision to cut him off from that..lol..
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Q: Since 6/7/06 I have been suffering with severe abdominal pain and was admitted into the hospital they ran a ct scan, colonoscopy, and did an ultrasound and didn’t find anything..Its been 3 weeks since then and the pain is just getting worse not to mention now its associating pain into my back, and my chest seems to be tightening up majorly. I need to know what to do or what could be doing this..I’m about to give up and find a different hospital cause the pain is literally making it so hard for me to sleep,eat (nausea), shortness of breath, and making it so I have to urinate every ten minutes and I’m getting sick of it..Can someone please help me.. There are certain diseases that run in my family like heart disease,cancer, tubal pregnancies, asthma and more..anyone have any answers…I have gone to a doctor twice and they can’t find anything so any other ideas!!!
A: If you are unhappy with the medical care you recieved from this hospital go to another. There are lots of things that can cause this pain ranging from muscle spasms to a heart attack. Being that you have pain in the stomach and to the back and going to the bathroom every 10 minutes, you might have a kidney infection. You need to find someone who will do more tests on you and quick since you have had the pain for a month.
What can cause you to have abdominal pain on both sides but more on one side?
Q: The abdominal pain is not that bad it comes and goes alot through out the days. I did start my period a week late. I have token pregnancy tests but they came up negative. I feel sick to stomach when I eat. My breast are tender. I have thrown up a couple of times. I don’t have a fever. oh and sometimes my lower back starts to hurt.Any suggestions?Thank you
A: Not be be negative or anything, but it could be a possible very early miscarriage. I just had one last month. I had pregnancy test turn up positive, but if I hadn’t taken a test, I would have assumed my period was just late. Or it could just be weirdness going on in your body. If you think you are pregnant, you could always call the doc for a blood test.
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