When pregnant can you take antidepressants

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When pregnant can you take antidepressants”,you can compare them.

During pregnancy, some types of antidepressants are safer than others. Some should be avoided altogether. Consult with your M.D. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-pregnant-can-you-take-antidepressants ]
More Answers to “When pregnant can you take antidepressants
Is it OK to take antidepressants while pregnant?
Simply put, there is unfortunately no way of knowing whether or not it is safe to take antidepressants while pregnant. In fact there is no way of knowing for certain that any drug is definitely safe during pregnancy. That’s because it’s dee…
Should I take antidepressants while I’m pregnant?
This information will help you understand your choices, whether you share in the decision-making process or rely on your doctor’s recommendation. Key points in making your decision You may be taking medicine for depression and are wondering…
What are the risks of taking antidepressants while you are pregna…?
There are several types of antidepressant medicine. Some types are less likely to harm your baby than others. More research is needed before doctors can say for sure that any antidepressant is completely safe for the baby. For pregnant wo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it dangerous to be on antidepressants while pregnant-So confused?
Q: What if you just found out your were 8 weeks pregnant, and you take antidepressants and xanax. Can it harm the baby? And what do you do about taking your meds when you’re pregnant? Should you stop? Im so confused! Thanks!
A: Its alright. I took Paxil and Ativan my entire first pregnancy. This time for some reason the Paixl quit working, so they switched me to Zoloft. Alot of doctors don’t likeyou being on them, but if the benefits of you being on them outweigh the risks of you being off of them then it is alright. They may want to switch them to something less dangerous, but most doctors are alright with it. Alot of people have their opinions about the effects on the baby, but I have had 4 ultrasounds and my baby girl is just fine. I have to take mine, or I don’t know where I would be without them. You need to make the decision yourself, and not base it on what others think. You know yourself better than anyone, and the risks of Zoloft, Paxil, and others is very, very small.
OK I just want to know some medications you can take for depression when pregnant.?
Q: I am on lexapro right now, yes, it has been approved by my doctor. I just wanted to know if anyone else has been on any antidepressants that work good when pregnant. I am gonna to talk to my doctor about it of course, but I just want some opinions from people who have tried them.
A: Celexa is approved during pregnancy… I took it during my pregnancy and both my son and I are happy and healthy.
A friend of mine took tranquilizers and antidepressants when she was pregnant?
Q: do you know what effects it can have on her child?The baby is 17 months old now. He only takes a few steps, hasn’t got much drive, and is very mellow. He only says 2 or 3 words. He doesn’t have a lot of drive. The doctor was prescribing both medications and said it was okay. I didn’t know if he is like this because of the meds, or was just his personality.
A: Women can have severe and at times life-threatening psychiatric illness during pregnancy. When nonpharmacologic interventions have been attempted and are insufficient, psychotropic medication use is often necessary. The available data on prescription neuroleptic drugs suggest that with the proper selection, use, and supervision, they can be used during pregnancy. The same cannot be said for lithium carbonate or most antidepressants owing to the risks of teratogenicity and toxicity to the fetus. It is prudent to avoid all medication use, if possible, during the first trimester, but deciding how and when to institute treatment depends on an assessment of the risks associated both with the drug and with the untreated illness.
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