What was the pregnancy pact in june 2008 about

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The Pregnancy Pact was a group of girls in a high school in Gloucester, MA, who all vowed to become pregnant, and then did. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-was-the-pregnancy-pact-in-june-2008-about ]
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What was the pregnancy pact in june 2008 about
The Pregnancy Pact was a group of girls in a high school in Gloucester, MA, who all vowed to become pregnant, and then did.

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The Gloucester Pregnancy Pact now a Lifetime Movie?
Q: Did we really not see this coming? Shall we break out our Blame-O-Meters, Predict-U-told-us-so or Finger Point-O-matics?http://www.mylifetime.com/movies/the-pregnancy-pactAbout the Movie:Inspired by a true story, the film explores the costs of teen pregnancy with a story of a fictional “pregnancy pact” set against the backdrop of actual news reports about teen pregnancy from June 2008. Sidney Bloom (Thora Birch), an on-line magazine journalist, returns to her hometown to investigate the sudden spike in teenage pregnancies at her old high school. Almost immediately, she comes up against Lorraine Dougan (Nancy Travis), the head of the local conservative values group and mother of Sara, a newly pregnant 15-year-old. Meanwhile, the school nurse (Camryn Manheim) tries to convince the school to provide contraception to students to address the pregnancy epidemic but is met with great opposition from the school and community. As the number of pregnant girls climbs to 18, a media firestorm erupts when Time Magazine reports that the rise in the number of pregnancies at the school is the result of a “pregnancy pact.” As the mystery unfolds about whether or not “the pact” is real, Sidney soon realizes that all of the attention is disguising the much larger issues that are at the core of the story.—————————————————————–Oh boy I can’t wait for the “core” of the story….what a twist..could it be the evil manipulative 24 yr old homeless man planned it all out from the beginning *gasp*. The girls were all victims of a scheming predator *brandishes torch*.:PSo is this movie and PSA’s revolving around it really beneficial or is it a double edged sword between awareness and glorification?Here are some old GWS questions about it when the original story broke.http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aq1_z8cVAspoqvc5qcBkC58jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080623095521AA8tCBThttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhiBHZzu3MFir1H6ypFMGlYjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080620162903AARBoKeSorry Prof. My search was based on “Pregnancy Pact”Added yours to the list. Thankshttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=At7NJPVef0Uq4bDEQmaBODvty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080620080646AAKgN3ZProf it will be on Sat 1/23
A: Please remember, when Lifetime makes a movie “based on a true story” the producers are going to add a high drama value by distorting things and even adding things that never actually happened.It’s television!Most people would be better off if they replaced 2 hours of daily TV viewing with 2 hours of reading books.
If you could tell the girls that made the pregnancy pact?
Q: What you tell them? As summer vacation begins, 17 girls at Gloucester High School are expecting babies — more than four times the number of pregnancies the 1,200-student school had last year. Some adults dismissed the statistic as a blip. Others blamed hit movies like Juno and Knocked Up for glamorizing young unwed mothers. But principal Joseph Sullivan knows at least part of the reason there’s been such a spike in teen pregnancies in this Massachusetts fishing town. School officials started looking into the matter as early as October, after an unusual number of girls began filing into the school clinic to find out if they were pregnant. By May, several students had returned multiple times to get pregnancy tests, and on hearing the results, “some girls seemed more upset when they weren’t pregnant than when they were,” Sullivan says. All it took was a few simple questions before nearly half the expecting students, none older than 16, confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. Then the story got worse. “We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy,” the principal says, shaking his head. (Read “Gloucester Principal Stands by Story.”)The question of what to do next has divided this fiercely Catholic enclave. Even with national data showing a 3% rise in teen pregnancies in 2006 — the first increase in 15 years — Gloucester isn’t sure it wants to provide easier access to birth control. In any case, many residents worry that the problem goes much deeper. The past decade has been difficult for this mostly white, mostly blue-collar city (pop. 30,000). In Gloucester, perched on scenic Cape Ann, the economy has always depended on a strong fishing industry. But in recent years, such jobs have all but disappeared overseas, and with them much of the community’s wherewithal. “Families are broken,” says school superintendent Christopher Farmer. “Many of our young people are growing up directionless.” (See the top 10 news stories of 2008.)The girls who made the pregnancy pact — some of whom, according to Sullivan, reacted to the news that they were expecting with high fives and plans for baby showers — declined to be interviewed. So did their parents. But Amanda Ireland, who graduated from Gloucester High on June 8, thinks she knows why these girls wanted to get pregnant. Ireland, 18, gave birth her freshman year and says some of her now pregnant schoolmates regularly approached her in the hall, remarking how lucky she was to have a baby. “They’re so excited to finally have someone to love them unconditionally,” Ireland says. “I try to explain it’s hard to feel loved when an infant is screaming to be fed at 3 a.m.” (Read “Gloucester Pregnancy Plot Thickens.”)The high school has done perhaps too good a job of embracing young mothers. Sex-ed classes end freshman year at Gloucester, where teen parents are encouraged to take their children to a free on-site day-care center. Strollers mingle seamlessly in school hallways among cheerleaders and junior ROTC. “We’re proud to help the mothers stay in school,” says Sue Todd, CEO of Pathways for Children, which runs the day-care center. (See the people who mattered in 2008.)But by May, after nurse practitioner Kim Daly had administered some 150 pregnancy tests at Gloucester High’s student clinic, she and the clinic’s medical director, Dr. Brian Orr, a local pediatrician, began to advocate prescribing contraceptives regardless of parental consent, a practice at about 15 public high schools in Massachusetts. Currently Gloucester teens must travel about 20 miles (30 km) to reach the nearest women’s health clinic; younger girls have to get a ride or take the train and walk. But the notion of a school handing out birth control pills has met with hostility. Says Mayor Carolyn Kirk: “Dr. Orr and Ms. Daly have no right to decide this for our children.” The pair resigned in protest on May 30.Gloucester’s elected school committee plans to vote later this summer on whether to provide contraceptives. But that won’t do much to solve the issue of teens wanting to get pregnant. Says rising junior Kacia Lowe, who is a classmate of the pactmakers’: “No one’s offered them a better option.” And better options may be a tall order in a city so uncertain of its future. — With reporting by Kimberley McLeod/New YorkRead more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1815845,00.html#ixzz0eRghRCug
A: wow, that’s not good for them (girls), they settle down earlier. they do not live their life.
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