What does your cervix feel like when you are pregnant

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It depends on how far you are into pregnancy. Some pain is normal, the further along in your pregnancy you are. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-your-cervix-feel-like-when-you-are-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What does your cervix feel like when you are pregnant
Who feels their own cervix? Thats one heck of a reach…. I would assume if you are pregnant and have a healthy cervix it would feel solid and hard, since it would be sealed shut. I imagine the change wouldnt be that noticeable from one en…
No different from usual. If you were pregnant, your symptoms would start anywhere from 2 weeks to a month after you conceive. The first symptom I got with my pregnancy was PMT that was a *zillion* times worse than usual. I was viciously moo…
I would not know if you are indeed preg.But have always wondered why check cervix?I heard sometimes its high.low,hard,soft or dropped.This is very interesting.Espeasially while preg. when I was preg. I was scared to have sexBuccal smear …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does your cervix feel like when your pregnant. . soft, high, open??
Q: I know what to look for to see if your ovulating and i was just wondering if your cervix is different at all when you get pregnant??
A: There are some physical signs include basal body temperature and cervical mucus changes that happens in early pregnancy. The changes in your cervix during ovulation indicate woman’s fertile days. You need to know that hormonal fluctuations in body during ovulation are responsible for these changes in the cervix in early pregnancy. Woman is considered most fertile when her cervical mucus becomes clear, slippery, and stretchy just like raw egg whites. You can always monitor the changes in your cervix yourself by getting a sample of your cervical secretions. Do this from the outer lips of your external genitalia, and stretch it between two of your fingers, thumb and index finger, to test for the consistency. Examining the changes in your cervical mucus can help you pinpoint your chances of pregnancy. This why you could see there is some change in cervix during early pregnancy. As cycle progresses, cervix will show marked changes and the cervical mucus will increase in volume and changes texture. Right after ovulation the cervix is returning to the dryer, lower, closed state you noticed after menstruation. During early pregnancy, the cervix becomes closed and blue in color. Cervical mucus also tends to change during this stage of your cycle, so the cervical mucus would begin increasing due to hormonal fluctuation and blood flow to the uterus.
What does your cervix feel like when you are pregnant?
Q: And is it very low down and hard or soft?
A: This is a very common answer with very uncommon and often varying answers. During pregnancy, the cervix moves up into the vaginal cavity. For some women, this happens early but for others it can take a little while. That’s why it can be confusing. The cervix will remain firm until the end of pregnancy but can feel softer at times because of the increased blood flow to it. And at all times, it should remained closed. Therefore, it really depends–every woman is different.You shouldn’t be checking your cervix during pregnancy. Firstly, you’ll be causing yourself all kinds of unnecessary worry. And secondly, you risk infection by doing so. I know it’s hard not to worry but try to relax. Pregnancy does all kinds of weird things. And as usual, call your doctor if you have any signs of bleeding or bad pain.
Did you check your cervix when you were pregnant? If yes what did it feel like?? And did your CM change?
Q: So Af is 2days late yay! testing on Tomoro! But i checked my cervix and it feels lower or maybe bigger, i usually have to try to find my cervix, but today i found it straight away! And isnstaed of AF i have had alot of milky cervical mucus! Does this sound like i could be pregnant?Did your cervix feel different?Dis your cervical mucus change? if yes how?
A: I remember wanting to know the exact thing when I was waiting to find out if I was pregnant.I couldn’t really see any definitive change, I do remember that it was fairly medium to low in height and changing from day to day from medium to soft in texture. I had an increase in cervical mucus – kinda like before the egg-white comes before ovulation, so lots of it and quite runny (sorry TMI!) It sounds like you could be pregnant with an increase in your cervical mucus and if your AF is coming your cervix should be slightly open, so if it is closed that is also a good sign. Best of luck with your testing tomorrow! Hope you get a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!
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