What do you do if your young in love and pregnant

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It all depends on your situation. If you are married, then you have nothing to worry about. If you are in a relationship, then you have to decide if you want to be together. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-do-if-your-young-in-love-and-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What do you do if your young in love and pregnant
What do you do if your young in love and pregnant
It all depends on your situation. If you are married, then you have nothing to worry about. If you are in a relationship, then you have to decide if you want to be together.
Was the worlds youngest pregnancy a love slave
Lina Medina of Paurange, Peru gave birth on May 14, 1939 in Lima at the age of 5.

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Pro-life people, what would you do if your young teenager got pregnant?
Q: I see people telling other girls what they think they should do, but what if it was your own daughter. What would you honestly want your daughter to do in these situations: If your daughter was raped or maybe even gang raped and she was suffering a lot psychologically from the experience? If she got pregnant as the result of incest? And then what if she just had sex willingly and was irresponsible but was only 13 or 14? (if you don’t have a daughter just imagine if you did) I got pregnant when I was a very young teenager, I had consensual sex though. I really wanted an abortion and my parents took me to the abortion clinic, I went into the room, got all ready for the procedure, but then I felt I couldn’t go through with it right when they were about to do it. I gave birth to a tiny tiny little girl three months early because my body wasn’t mature enough itself, she was in an incubator for months. My daughter and I formed a very close loving relationship from the beginning and she turned into a very beautiful, perfect girl. She’s a teenager now, but she’s not pregnant or anything, she’s very responsible.
A: Well, in the first two cases, I would pray that my daughter and I would be close enough that she would tell me about the rape or incest immediately. If she did, I would present her with the option of taking advantage of available medical/pharmaceutical methods of preventing pregnancy and allow her to decide. If she was already pregnant, no matter what the circumstances, I would encourage her to go through with the pregnancy and either give the child up for adoption or allow me to raise the child as my own (as her sister or brother)…and again, I would allow her to decide which option she preferred. I actually know a woman who was gang raped…by a family member and some of his friends…when she was in her teens (older than 13, but still young). She chose to go through with the pregnancy and gave the child up for adoption. She never regretted her decision and even credited the experience with helping her healing process. She was able to view the child as an innocent victim, just like herself, and by choosing not to make the child pay for the crimes of those men, she was able to stop blaming herself too. I remember her saying once that she felt like she beat them because she was able to bring something so wonderful out of their horrible actions.Edit: note that when I said I would raise the child as her sister or brother, I wasn’t intending to suggest that I would lie to the child or force my daughter to lie…I was simply saying that I would adopt the child myself thereby legally making the child her sister or brother.
How did you feel about your unborn child while you were pregnant?Did you love him/her before…Am I alone…?
Q: How did you feel towards your unborn child while you were pregnant? Did you love them? Or what? I would like to know if anyone else felt the way I did and do again. I have a 19month old son who I love to death now but when I was pregnant with him I didnt feel anything for him and was actually worried that I wouldnt love him. I am still young (22 now) and have had great support from my boyfriend of 5 years (the father).He has always been here for me and was always happy and excited and felt love for our child since before he was born. We love eachother very much and have always been in a great relationship together. Im 8 months pregnant again now and once again I dont feel anything towards our unborn child and am worried again if I will love him/her or how I will feel. Both pregnancies were unplanned but I dont think that really matters.Has anyone else felt like this or what?
A: When I was pregnant with my first son, I was instantly in love with the baby. I felt so happy and bonded especially after the ultrasound. When my husband and I got pregnant again, I kept saying “there is no way I will love this baby like my first” …and although I was happy to be pregnant, I had similar worries to yours. Once I held my second child it all changed. Don’t worry, your love doesn’t divide, it multiplies!
Q: I am 19 which some say is very young but I have been through more in my life then most 40 year old people. I have a 2 year old daughter with the man who i am in love with and could never see myself with someone else let alone fall in love with anyone else. He is my life and could not imagine living without him or seeing him with anyone else. I feel almost obsessed with him because I want to know where he is, what hes doing, and who hes with ALL the time. I have been with him since I am 14 and a half, he has cheated on me a few times and im not the type female to let that crap go on but I love him so much I was able to look past that and move forward. When I got pregnant with our daughter I though years maybe we will finally be together forever and get married, etc. We argue and fight because we are human, I cant get over my jealousy when it comes to him though. Sunday we spent all night together just me and him at his house which is something we hadn’t done in a Long time! I loved it but we got into a fight at the end and he left, yesterday he came to my apartment and told me he loves me, hes in love with me,but doesn’t want to be with me because that’s not whats in his heart. He said he needs the pressure of me wanting to be with him off his back so he can just focus on himself. I understand someone needing their space because of stress in their lives, etc. but when you love someone didn’t you want them to help you and be there for you during hard times? I felt like my life was ended when he told me this, I begged for one last chance to just show him I can be the best thing and change my jealous ways and not argue over little things. Its so hard for me because he is the love of my life. I hate when people are like oo its just because your young, people have no idea how mature someone may be no matter what their age is. I raise my daughter alone and getting up looking at her is tearing me up inside, I just feel so lifeless. My head tells me wow your an idiot for even being in love with him still after all the things hes put you through but my heart is telling me to not give up. I will always love him no matter what he does, I told him I feel like hes replacing me and its killing me, I told him I would rather be dead if im not going to be with him. I didnt know what to do, is this just a phase hes going through he is 23 about to be 24 or is he over me and I need to do everything in my power to move on? I am scared he will move on while I am here waiting for him, he confuses me so much and I just love him. I am so hurt I don’t feel like I can function day to day without knowing hes my man and we will work our problems out and be together, when I say things like this to him he tells me he wont promise me anything and doesn’t want me waiting because he cant guarantee anything but also doesn’t want to see me with another girl. I don’t know what to ask him and how to get on with my life. Please only respond to this is you have been in a similar situation, people have no idea how painful this is unless they have been in this type situation.
A: I didn’t read this all but honey let me tell you one thing. You are 19~ which means you gave part of your childhood to this person and lost a lot of life experience as a teen and gave it to childhood.The problem with that is just that you didn’t have time to form your life experience and date others so you could be secure in yourself and who you choose.Everyone thinks they are in love…it is not my job to tell you that you are not. I think it is an unhealthy love because you give more of yourself away than you have kept for YOU. You BECAME part of this person …so much so that you lost your independence and you feel this person is your life.No matter how much you love someone…and I have been married 41 years….you have to hold enough back for you so that if something happens you can survive. You have this unhealthy attitude that you are nothing if you are not with this person…that is why you say you would rather be dead.HONEY….please….you have a child. THAT should be THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in your life now…..YOU have to be enough of YOU to give this child security and not fear. You have to hold it together so this child is not frightened of change and seeing mommy cry and being crazy. She needs you…she needs a strong role model and she needs to grow up knowing how to be a woman that is able to get through things that are hard. She is going to learn from you…how to be a person…how to handle problems…how to work through things…how to reason ….how to act….and when to let go.It is time to let go. This man lost his youth to a serious relationship too. I tell teens all the time….what you have now is not going to last. Enjoy it….learn from it…but don’t settle for it. If it is love it will be there later…there is no reason to rush into things. So many relationships change because people grow and change…they do that all their lives…but especially when they are transcending that teen to adulthood. So much of what you believe then is not what you are going to believe when you are 25 and 30. Mark my words….you will change too. It is very difficult in relationships to watch your partner grown when you are not or your future is calling for something different. THAT happens constantly….and it takes maturity and secure people to get through it. It takes time .This man is not ready for a long term relationship. HE THOUGHT he was when he was with you…but he cannot give you any security. Phase? I doubt it. He has thought of leaving…it is in his mind and he is trying to help you by being dishonest and letting you down softly by saying he can’t promise anything. Not a bad dishonest…he obviously respects you enough to not be mean about it….but dishonest in that he is confusing you and not saying …NO! Maybe he is afraid of what you will do. Our hearts tell us not to give up because we don’t want to give up…we think we can fix things…..but usually once someone decides the relationship is over…it is over. Concentrate on your beautiful baby. Give them security and not craziness. It is up to you….this is your child you NEED to be strong for her.You will be surprised at how much strength you do have….even when the world is crumbling around you…when you have someone that tiny that is depending on you.Take one day at a time and know someday you will find someone who will love you and not leave you.
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