What are some times that it is less likely for a woman to get pregnant

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Natural birth control can be effective, but varies by person, you have to learn fertility signals and chart them. No certain days. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-times-that-it-is-less-likely-for-a-woman-to-get-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What are some times that it is less likely for a woman to get pregnant
What are some times that it is less likely for a woman to get pre…?
Natural birth control can be effective, but varies by person, you have to learn fertility signals and chart them. No certain days.

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Women, designed for promiscuity?
Q: I have heard that women are genetically inured to be more promiscuous than men are. Now, culturally, we place limits on what women can do, and this gives us the impression that men are more promiscuous, but this is not naturally the case.Female chimpanzees are HIGHLY promiscuous; they have sex with many males, who have evolved huge testicles and sticky semen, along with very fast and plentiful sperm to compensate for this.The idea is that by mating with many males, the female increases her chances of getting pregnant, and she makes it so that the males are less likely to attack her offspring, because there is a chance that one of them is the father of her child.The same thing is said about why women and female chimps moan during sex; the loud sounds attract another male from a distance. Finally, we can see that women, like female chimps, have a much greater capacity for sexual pleasure than the males. The ability to have orgasm after orgasm means that a woman can have sex with many men, but it takes the man some time before he can ejaculate again.It DOES seem like women were designed to have sex with more than one male at a time; women can have multiple orgasms, can experience MUCH more sexual pleasure than men can, and can keep having sex even after the man has ejaculated into her. In fact, some women are unsatisfied with sex because they don’t orgasm/don’t get enough orgasms, so it would almost make sense that they were designed for more sex, so they can be “finished off” by another man if one fails to satisfy her.I’m not saying that women ought to be more promiscuous in a civilized society, only that the biology for promiscuity is there. What do you think?It was only a theory. Yes, I am a guy, and people on other parts of Yahoo answers think it makes sense…Good point. Well, human testicles are smaller than those of chimpanzees, but still larger than those of gorillas… so we are probably somewhere in between…
A: Even though we’re closely related to chimps, you have to draw a sharp line between human and chimpanzee sexuality, for reasons of biology and not just culture.By your own logic, in pointing out the relatively enormous size of chimpanzee testicles, the fact that human testicles are relatively smaller suggests a move away from that mating pattern throughout our evolutionary history.The fact that human beings show much less sexual dimorphism than chimps and our early ancestors also suggests a move towards a quasi-monogamous mating structure.The female capacity for pleasure during sex could be a means of creating an incentive for sex in a species where pregnancy is unusually costly and painful for the female. The high cost of pregnancy and child-raising is, of course, a good reason for the woman to want to protect her child (which might include confusing the issue of paternity by having sex with many men) but would also be an incentive for the woman to be more selective about who she mates with — she’d want a man of good stock and/or a reliable provider. This doesn’t preclude the possibility that she might fool around on occasion, but it seems to me that men still have much more to gain by employing a promiscuous mating strategy.Edit: Yeah, gorillas are characterized by tiny testicles and a large degree of sexual dimorphism, and their polygamous mating system. Instead of competing with other males with large testicles and lots of sperm, they rely on physical bulk to subdue other males and to maintain a large harem. I believe that most evolutionary biologists who specialize in hominid evolution speculate their our common ancestor with chimps had a fairly polygamous mating system, due to the degree of dimorphism displayed in their fossils.Since then, the chimps are supposed to have grown more promiscuous, and we grew a bit more monogamous (though not as monogamous as, say, gibbons). We have a dash of polygamy and a dash of promiscuity, but I have a hard time imagining Stone Age human tribes which are even half as promiscuous and free about sex as chimps and bonobos. Human males seem to be way more possessive and jealous for that to be workable, and I don’t think that comes totally from culture.
Female Promiscuity, what do you think?
Q: I have heard that women are genetically inured to be more promiscuous than men are. Now, culturally, we place limits on what women can do, and this gives us the impression that men are more promiscuous, but this is not naturally the case.Female chimpanzees are HIGHLY promiscuous; they have sex with many males, who have evolved huge testicles and sticky semen, along with very fast and plentiful sperm to compensate for this. The idea is that by mating with many males, the female increases her chances of getting pregnant, and she makes it so that the males are less likely to attack her offspring, because there is a chance that one of them is the father of her child.The same thing is said about why women and female chimps moan during sex; the loud sounds attract another male from a distance. Finally, we can see that women, like female chimps, have a much greater capacity for sexual pleasure than the males. The ability to have orgasm after orgasm means that a woman can have sex with many men, but it takes the man some time before he can ejaculate again.I’m not saying that women ought to be more promiscuous in a civilized society, only that the biology for promiscuity is there. What do you think?But, isn’t it stronger in the females, who can have sex more often?
A: The biology for promiscuity is there for both genders. The instinctive drive to reproduce your genes is powerful, and reproducing with multiple partners further varies the gene pool.
Chimpanzee sexual strategies? Comparisons to humans?
Q: I have heard that women are genetically inured to be more promiscuous than men are. Now, culturally, we place limits on what women can do, and this gives us the impression that men are more promiscuous, but this is not naturally the case.Female chimpanzees (our closest genetic relatives) are HIGHLY promiscuous; they have sex with many males, who have evolved huge testicles and sticky semen, along with very fast and plentiful sperm to compensate for this.The idea is that by mating with many males, the female increases her chances of getting pregnant, and she makes it so that the males are less likely to attack her offspring, because there is a chance that one of them is the father of her child.The same thing is said about why women and female chimps moan during sex; the loud sounds attract another male from a distance. Finally, we can see that women, like female chimps, have a much greater capacity for sexual pleasure than the males. The ability to have orgasm after orgasm means that a woman can have sex with many men, but it takes the man some time before he can ejaculate again.I’m not saying that women ought to be more promiscuous in a civilized society, only that the biology for promiscuity is there. What do you think?Ugh. No. Don’t think such things.
A: i think you like the idea of having chimpanzee sex
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