Should you have nitrous oxide at the dentist if you are pregnant

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Nitrous Oxide is generally safe, but if you are pregnant, speak to your physician and dentist before taking nitrous oxide. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should you have nitrous oxide at the dentist if you are pregnant
Should you have nitrous oxide at the dentist if you are pregnant?
Nitrous Oxide is generally safe, but if you are pregnant, speak to your physician and dentist before taking nitrous oxide.
Why my dentist would not use nitrous oxide?
The dentist may not use nitrous in their office. And it relaxes you but if they say it wont stop the gag reflex then they are right. It wont help you. I gag badly too. I have found if I HOLD MY BREATH when they put the xray film in my mouth…
Can Nitrous Oxide kill at the dentist kill you??
If the dentist gives you a normal dose, you should be fine. And you should feel a bit wierd. If the dentist isn’t worried you should be fine. If you are really scared, try to stay awake. Nitrous Oxide doesn’t force you to, but it makes it e…

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A: You NEED to speak with your OB doctor.I can say, I doubt any doctor would recommend ANY sedation or nitrous while you are pregnant, for medical if not for medico-legal reasons. Nitrous has been associated with birth defects and abortions in the offspring of both male and female operatory personel who have been frequently exposed to nitrous. The final conclusion on this is not in – but it is better safe than sorry. IV sedation would probably include benzodiapines and narcotics. Benzodiazepines are category D – probably harmful in pregnancy, and narcotics are category C – uncertain.
Is it safe to have dental work done when pregnant?
Q: Sorry, I just posted this in the dental section, and I’m not sure how many dentists really frequent it, but I’m sure pregnant women would be much more aware (or at least close to!) of the answer. So let me know if you know anything :-)Thanks!I’m not right now, but I miscarried 2 weeks ago, and I hear that you’re very fertile after miscarry-ing (not to mention, now I at LEAST know that I can conceive, so hopefully soon)Problem is, I have a lot of dental work to take care of. Several cavities.. I just haven’t had the time to mess with it, although I REALLY should while my husband is in the military and we have great dental insurance (up until next June anyways!)So, I was wondering, If I DO get pregnant again soon, is it safe to continue dental care?I’m hoping to get the X-Ray’s out of the way before there is a chance of pregnancy, but as far as the actual work goes… is that ok?Usually, they just give you the local anesthesia (the numbing shot)Although, I have a fear of needles, ESPECIALLY when they’re in my mouth, and it really worries me… so I generally use the happy gas (nitrous oxide).Is THAT safe? if not, I can go through it without it if for nothing but for the sake of the baby (that is if I am LUCKY enough to be pregnant again soon!)Thanks!Just for the record… I’m not nasty, I swear… I didn’t know I had the cavities until I went in to the Dentist last December, and basically just had enough time to figure out what is wrong with me, but not fix anything… but after moving and settling in AGAIN to a new duty station, job search, etc, I finally have the time to deal with it.
A: Yes you can. I got dental work done early in pregnancy, including X-rays. They used a lead vest that covered me from the above the breasts, to my thighs to protect the rest of me and the baby from the x-ray. I did however get local anesthetic, and that was fine too. I don’t believe gas is safe, because it’ll cut off oxygen to the baby. I did get clearance from my OB to get dental work done, because I was worried about all the same things. Get going on your dental work now, so you don’t have to worry, good luck.
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