Is it possible to be pregnant while on your period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it possible to be pregnant while on your period”,you can compare them.

You can’t get your period once you’re pregnant. But you may have bleeding/spotting during pregnancy that can seem like a period. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to be pregnant while on your period
Is it possible to be pregant while you are in your period??
It is impossible to be pregnant while you are having your period, but you can be inseminated during your period and pregnancy can occur therefrom.
Is there a possibility of getting pregnant while having your mens…?
Yes. Although the menstrual period is always a sign that a woman is not pregnant, it is not an assurance that she will not get pregnant during her menstruation. Fact is that ovulation can happen during or right after a woman?s period.
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Hi there, I was put on this a few months ago to help regulate my periods as we’re having trouble trying for a baby. I was only put on 5mg a day, for day 15-25 of my cycle. I was told that the chances of getting pregnant whilst on it were sl…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it possible to get pregnant while still on your period?
Q: yes i know the question seem a little… weird, but thats what i was wondering. i know that its possible to get pregnant on the last day of your period, so i was wondering if its possible while still on your period
A: Very unlikely, unless you have extremely short cycles and/or extremely long bleeds.More possible, (though still not very common) would be to get pregnant several days after the end of your period, from sperm that were deposited during your period. Sperm can live in your body for several days, so it’s possible that it could live long enough to still be around when you finally ovulate.
Is it possible to get pregnant while on your period?
Q: Is it possible to get pregnant while you’re on your period?How likely is it? Percentage wise.Is it possible to get pregnant while you’re on your period if you are on birth control? Like when you took your reminder pill the day you had sex and then the day after you have another reminder pill, then you start taking the active pills again?How likely is it? Percentage wise.I don’t think the percentage is the same because you’re more likely to get pregnant when you’re ovulating then when you are not ovulating.
A: If you’re taking your pill correctly at the right time, then there’s only about a 2% chance. That goes down if he was wearing a condom, or you were using any other types of birth control. It is possible, but not as likely seeing as most women are not ovulating at that time, and the sperm (while it CAN last up to five days inside you) will probably not make it to your egg. Please help me with a school project by clicking here, I need hits:
is it possible to be pregnant while on your period?
Q: the last time i had my period was on Nov. 7.. except it was really really light spotting. and it only lasted a day. my boyfriend and i had sex that and the day after… i just recently got on my period (Dec. 3) and it was heavy the first couple of days. it’s not heavy no more. yet it’s not that light. kinda in between i guess. but i took a home pregnancy test and it came out negative.. i’m gonna take another test 2-3 weeks from now.. but is it possible to be pregnant while on your period?
A: Yes, you can I did with my first two pregnancy, the doctor gave me some pills to take to make it stop he told it was nothing to worry about I could have had it the whole time, it may not be call a “true” period but still will have bleeding every month at the time you would have your period, heck that’s the great part of being pregnant not having worry about a period, go to the doctor and have a test done……good luck!!!!
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