Is it bad to eat salt when pregnant

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You probably don’t need to worry about the saltshaker unless you have high blood pressure. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to eat salt when pregnant
Is it bad to eat salt when pregnant
You probably don’t need to worry about the saltshaker unless you have high blood pressure. Thanks for using ChaCha!
Is it bad to eat a lot of salt when pregnant?
Actually pregnant women need more sodium. It is a common misconception that salt is not healthy. Many women are casually advised by friends or family to restrict their salt intake to prevent ‘swelling’ of feet and ankles. This is not a curr…
Is eating raw salt (uncooked salt) bad for pregnant women??
Salt is salt whether cooked or not. Salt acts as a preservative in its own right and pathogens do not live in pure salt. So “raw salt” is no worse for you than cooked. However, salt can cause you to retain fluid (water) and can ca…

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Is it bad to eat a lot of salt when pregnant?
Q: i am craving more salty then sweet things…dill pickles, cantelope with salt, watermelon with salt, etc. Also are mushrooms ok to eat? So far i am doing good eating smaller snack type meals throughout the day and am trying to eat healthy.
A: Actually pregnant women need more sodium. It is a common misconception that salt is not healthy. Many women are casually advised by friends or family to restrict their salt intake to prevent ‘swelling’ of feet and ankles. This is not a current medical recommendation. While it is prudent to avoid ‘excess’ salt use, sodium restriction should not be casually undertaken. Edema (accumulation of fluid..swelling) in the feet and legs often occurs during pregnancy. This is a result of increased estrogen production and greater blood volume. Not salt! Estrogen increases a mother’s ability to absorb water into connective tissue, thus fluid retention is naturally higher. At the same time, progesterone increases the sodium content of urine, so more sodium than usual is lost by women during pregnancy. Therefore, despite the presence of edema, sodium needs still increase for pregnant women.Although the increase in sodium requirement is not dramatic, it is important. Restricting sodium during pregnancy can cause problems for mother and her fetus, by disrupting this delicate fluid balance. Edema that occurs during pregnancy is not considered harmful, unless high blood pressure or protein loss in urine is also occurring. If your obstetrician advises a low sodium diet, clarify with the doctor the extent of sodium restriction and any fluid recommendation being made to you. are fine 🙂
is it bad to eat a whole lemmon with a lil salt when pregnant!?
Q: i crave alot of stuff but i love to eat lemmons with salt, and i love to drink pickle juice are these things bad for u when u are pregnant..
A: A lot of lemons and salt are bad for your teeth especially during pregnancy when the baby is drawing calcium from your body. Even if you weren’t pregnant the acid from the lemons will eat the enamel off your teeth.
is it bad to eat lime when pregnant??
Q: I’m pregnant and i crave ham and lime alot.. and i’ve been eating it everyday w/ salt.. is lime really bad or no??
A: No. Lime will give you vitamin C, and ham is full of good nutrition. Don’t go overboard with the salt.
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