If my period is very light does that mean i am pregnant

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Maybe. About 6-12 days after conception, the embryo implants itself. Some women will experience spotting as well as some cramping. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-my-period-is-very-light-does-that-mean-i-am-pregnant ]
More Answers to “If my period is very light does that mean i am pregnant
Does very light blood 2 weeks before my period mean i am pregnant…?
In my experience, brown blood is a sign of miscarriage. I also had a period 1 week before I was to get mine & I was preggers at the time.

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2 MOTHES OF 3 DAYS OF VERY LIGHT PERIOD, 3 NEG HPT. Do You Till Think I Could Be Pregnant?
Q: Ok so i had my period May 14th 07 bad cramps from what I remember it was heavy the first day then got lighter the next two days, me and my bf were messing around about to put a condom on but didnt for a moment i mean like a min not even then did put it on. Well of course i have been worried out of my mind about what if i got pregnant right after that. I took 2 test the first one 28 days after that period which was the 10th then i took one again on the 12th. Both came out neg. Then on the 13th i got my period again it was really light though still got it a little bit now and it is the 15th i took another test today and it came back neg also. I dunno if thats to soon to tell me anything or not like i said i have been driving myself nuts worried about what if i am pergnant and i totally am not eatting right from being worried so much either. Plus i also think I might have some cyst problem. I have some headaches and my right boob hurts too back pain and thigh pain not as much now as befo
A: You are probably not pregnant but only your doctor can tell you 100% for sure. Stress in any form, such as worrying, school or home problems, lifestyle changes, guys, etc., can and usually does cause period changes. Its sounds to me that you are having some life issues and the stress is causing body changes. Good luck to you dear girl.
My period has started a week early and is very light. What does this mean?
Q: I am usually very regular. I joke that I can time it almost to the hour but this month, my period came a week early. It is really light and not really like a period at all. This is going to sound kind of gross, but it’s more like a mucus discharge with little streaks or pink blood in it. I also get a bit of a brown discharge. I’m on my third day, which is usually my heaviest, and there is still no change in flow. I have been under a lot of stress lately, but that usually makes my periods late not early. I took a pregnancy test and it came up negative, but I think I took it too early to know if I were pregnant. Is there anything else that could be causing this? Thanks!
A: This sounds like it might be spotting, which can happen between periods. Spotting is generally nothing to worry about and can be triggered by lifestyle changes (stress, new job, diet, etc.)I’d continue monitoring it, and if it’s long-lasting see a doctor. Given your test results I wouldn’t worry about being pregnant.Check out this article for more info:http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/preconception/110634
am i pregnant? a missed period or spotting? please help!?
Q: my last period was july 23 2008. then i experienced some spotting 2 weeks later and thought i was pregnant so i took a test and it came out negative. so i assumed it was a very light period that came early. it is now august 29 2008 and still no period. so my question is, if the spotting was really a period that came 2 weeks early, does that mean my next period will come 28 days from july 23rd again, or 28 days from when the “spotting” occurred?.,,im sorry if this is confusing. im confused as to predict when my next period should occur…i will take a test next week, but i just wanted to get some advice or comments on this. do u think i am pregnant? thank you in advance
A: i dont know the best bet is to go to the doctor and get a pregnancy blood test and they will tell you then for certain.
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