How can you tell if a mouse is pregnant

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There isn’t a sure way of telling if your mouse is pregnant. Mice carry ~ 20 days & her tummy will get noticeably round @the end. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you tell if a mouse is pregnant
She gets really fat.
Look under the mouses tail in the back if there are two tiny little round bumps below his behind, very close togeather you have a boy mouse. If you have a pregnant girl she will get so fat in a couple of weeks or so, that it will look like …
Dear Tiffany, Here are some ways to tell that your mouse is pregnant:・ 1) she was with a male for more than 5 minutes ; )) less than 3 weeks ago ・ 2) she has been getting fatter ・ 3) she looks like a pear from on top ・ 4) her round sides…

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Q: My Mouse had a litter of babies three weeks ago but you couldn’t tell at ALL if she was pregnant, she stayed very slim. I think the dad got to here right before I took him out so I now think she is pregnant again. So…. How can I tell if she is going to have another litter if she doesn’t get big? (It should be due today to Saturday).THANKS!
A: Get her an ultra sound……….. :>)
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A: they eat more, sleep more, look kind of like a pear. a lumpy pear lol.
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A: well i was breeding mice to feed to my lizard and snake and my mice would get pregnant all the time but only certain ones would get pregnant and if your mouse does get pregnant then you should look for things like a lot more eating growth in the stomach not length but width in the stomach sleeping more not interacting with the other mice much not even the father that much and they should be born within 2 to three weeks after she gets pregnant but it really varies so you need to have a separate cage at the ready so you can keep the baby mice alive or if you keep the mice in the same cage then you need to feed them twice a day because if they get hungry they will eat the babies. Now if you forget to move them back to the other cage don’t even bother because they wont remember each other and they will fight so yea that’s the basics if you get a pregnant mouse.
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