Can you be pregnant if your period is in 6 days

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You can be. The most likely time to conceive is 14 days after the 1st day of your last period give or take a day or two. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you be pregnant if your period is in 6 days
Can you be pregnant if your period is in 6 days
You can be. The most likely time to conceive is 14 days after the 1st day of your last period give or take a day or two. ChaCha!
My period is 6 days late… Am I pregnant?
i think you should wait at least another seven days.
Does spotting before 6 days before your period mean your pregnant…?
If you had unprotected sex while you were ovulating it could be. See if your period starts, if not get a test done either at home or at your doctor or clinic.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can you get pregnant 4 days after your period(6 days b4 ovulation)?
Q: so say ur bf cums in you for sure..n it is 4 days after your period…and about a week b4 ovulation….is there any chance you get get pregnant adn if so what are the chances of beciming pregnant
A: How are you sure of when you ovulate? Many women assume they ovulate on cycle day 14 but not every woman does. I have a 28 day cycle and always ovulate on cycle day 9 or 10. I found this out by using ovulation predictor kits so I know those are the days. That is usually about 3 or 4 days after my period ends. Sperm can live in your body for about 3 days so if you ovulate early it’s very possible.
if you have unprotected sex 6 days before your period is due can you get pregnant?
Q: im just wondering..thanks in advance.
A: yes! you can get prego anytime of any month even on your period though this is highly unlikley
What?! I’m 6 days late on my period and this has never happened before! (I’ll gladly give 10 pts~ HELP?
Q: I’m 26 and happily married but I am scared on why I haven’t started my period this month. This happened one time when I was in high school and I skipped a month when I was 14 and that was the only time it happened. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests after my missed period and all came up negative. And yes, I do keep close track on my periods. Me and my husband did have unprotected sex on Christmas eve thinking we would be ok since I was supposed to start on the 26th. (I ALWAYS get my periods every 26-27 days.) I have an ovarian cyst on my left ovary but it is small and rarely causes me any discomfort. I found that out at the doctors and she said there is nothing to be worried about with my cyst.I did, however, start a new medicine a couple of weeks ago. Its called Symbyax and its a mood stabilizer and the pharmacist said it shouldn’t cause my period to be late.So could I be pregnant even though my pregnancy test is negative and I took it after my missed period? I’m wondering if it was a long cycle for whatever reason and we had sex when I could have gotten pregnant. It shouldn’t be the medicine and I hear ovarian cysts don’t alter your periods, expecially in my case having a small functional cyst. My friend scared me last night when she said it could be endometriosis since she had it but my mother is an RN and said I would be in a lot of pain if I had that and to stop worrying.I guess I will call the doc tomorrow since I never skip my period. But I’m really wondering if I can be pregnant.. I missed my period 6 days already, I’m hungry, tired and I pee a lot! I’m not under any stress, just the usual work and live life.If we are pregnant, then it would be a blessing. I’m just scared on the fact that I haven’t started–I took a test after my missed period—and it’s negative. I’m wondering if it is something serious because I really want to have kids!PLEASE help me with any experiences and outcomes and I will gladly give 10 pts to the most helpful answer. I’ll call the doc tomorrow but I’m curious what you have to say until I can call in the morning.Thank you and happy new year!
A: Sounds like superAIDS.
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