Can people still get there period if they are pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health Sexual Orientation .We found some answers as below for this question “Can people still get there period if they are pregnant”,you can compare them.

You will not have a period while pregnant. If you are bleeding during pregnancy please consult your doctor. Have a great ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can people still get there period if they are pregnant
How can people get pregnant but still have their periods and have…?
They haven’t produced of the hCG horomone to come up on a test. I didn’t have a missed period till July 2006, took a test, came up positive, went to the DR they thought I was only a couple of weeks. They did an ultra.sound to find out I was…

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is there a chance i may have gotten pregnant?
Q: okay i had sex the day before my period started and it was un protected, my period usually isnt that early anyways it was super heavy and lasted for three days instead of the usual 5-7 days.. anyways is there a chance i may have gotten pregnant and when can i find out? my next period if i miss it i assume? ive heard of people still getting pregnant because they had un protected sex a few days before there period started and still had a normal period and than bam the following month they miss it.. so whats my chances? thanks.
A: theres no exact percentage, im not here to lecture, im done with that, but really, you know that you shouldnt be having unprotected sex if you are not able to care for a baby. anywho, test in 16 days or so, and get your answer. i hope you learn 🙂
Has anyone had a missed period, negative HPT results, and still been pregnant?
Q: hi, My period was supposed to arrive 11 days ago (August11), but it never arrived:) Today is now August 31, and there is still no period..and it doesn’t feel like its going to start. I just recently switched from Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo to Yaz in july. I called the doctor, and they said that sometimes it can make your periods Lighter (like last month of only 1 day), but it’s not supposed to make you skip your period. (yaz is supposed to make you get shorter, lighter periods, help with acne and pms symptoms) Anyway, Lately, i’ve been very emotional, my face is breaking out with monstrous pimples, and i’ve been having some cramping. I feel terrible after i eat, when i do eat since i don’t really have an appetite. Yesterday, we went to burger king and the smell of it made me so nausea! When my fiance put the burger king bag in the car, i literally threw up because the smell of the food made me so sick.I’ve taken 3 tests, all big fat negatives! I’m just wondering if any of you girls have had anything similar to this and have still been pregnant. I’ve heard of alot of people having negative results, but still are actually pregnant. I would like to hear stories, advice, or any others kind of information. No hateful or bullshit responses, please.thanks–
A: Call your doctorThis does not happen a lot, but has happenSome people do not test positive in pregnancy with urine until they are late in pregnancyA blood test will show positive, even it the urine did notCall your doctor and ask if you should take a blood test to make sure your are not pregnant
Can you still have your period if you are pregnant on BC Pills?
Q: Okay so here’s the deal. I missed a week of my BC Pills. Mainly cause my husband misplaced them. Well, we fooled around during that week (my projected week of ovulation). But I still got my period. I’ve been sick to my stomach for about a week (I started my BC Pills back this past monday). I know people who have gotten pregnant on BC Pills and they never knew they were pregnant, so I know it’s possible, I just want to know if there is factual evidence that you can be pregnant and still have your period before I totally freak out and get a pregnancy test.Thank you for your input, and please no comments about how stupid this sounds or about how I’m uneducated. Yes, I’ll admit I’m a bit naive but I don’t need it pointed out.
A: Yes you still may be pregnant, get a test to be sure. Lots of woman get there period while pregnant its not uncommon
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