Can i get a tattoo while pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can i get a tattoo while pregnant”,you can compare them.

It’s probably best to wait until after delivery. If you do want a tattoo, be aware HIV/AIDS and hepatitis A, B, and C are risks. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can i get a tattoo while pregnant
It is not advisable to get a tattoo while pregnant because should anything go wrong you could pass the negative effects on to the baby. Tattoos can put you at risk for infection and with a weakened immune system from pregnancy this could be…
I honestly think it’s just for extra precaution. I know tattoo places won’t tattoo you if you’re pregnant, but I also have talked to people who said it’s not that bad. I don’t really know about trauma, I mean my body didn’t seem to go throu…
Laura E. Stachel, M.D.) There are two major concerns about obtaining a tattoo during this period: the potential risk to your baby from the skin dye used for tattoos, and the risk of allergic reactions and systemic infections from the proced…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a girl get a tattoo while pregnant?
Q: I was just wondering because I came up within a conversation, so no one is pregnant and endangering a baby…. I say no because the ink could get into your blood but my friend says yes. So if someone could settle the argument either yes or no and why?Thanks in advance.
A: everyone has their own opinion…me, i got 2 while pregnant and i would do it again if i wanted one at that moment. the ink does not get into your blood…there is something seriously wrong if the person doing your tattoo puts the needle down that far! other will argue its the stress it can put on you or too much pain that is bad cuz you might pass out or whatever but i know myself and i can handle my tats. i think that if tattoo’s are going to stress you out or hurt you that bad, you shouldnt get one whether you are pregnant or not. any other reasons, ill have an answer for those too, just give ’em to me!
Can you get a tattoo while pregnant?
Q: The tattoo convention is coming up next month and I have tickets. I would really like to get another small tattoo while Im there but Im around 2 months prego.
A: Nah, piercings, depending on where are okay, but not tats. The main reason is that they get infected very easily, but also because your body changes and as you gain weight, your skin stretches. This could lead to an uneven tat or a blob of ink once you lose the weight. I feel your pain, though I want another one too!
Is it bad to get a tattoo while pregnant?
Q: I heard it is very wrong and the ink can somehow get into the blood stream, but I wanted to continue getting my tatts, is it safe?
A: Most artists won’t tattoo you if they know you’re pregnant.And it’s a terrible idea.Why would you jeopardize your baby’s health anyway. Just wait, you cant get as many tatts as you want once you’ve had your child.
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