Are you suppose to have pain in your stomach while pregnant

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Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint, but severe or persistent abdominal pain should never be ignored. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are you suppose to have pain in your stomach while pregnant
Are you suppose to have pain in your stomach while pregnant?
Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint, but severe or persistent abdominal pain should never be ignored.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is It Some Kind Of Sign?
Q: Are you suppose to have pains in your stomach while pregnant?
A: Yes. It means all different things. Depending on how far along you are. The most common reasons are just that you are expanding, and the ligaments are stretching and that hurts a little. In the very early stages of pregnancy, it is common to have some ‘period like’ pains. Now, if they are excruciating pains that you cannot deal with, you should see a doc right away, for it could mean something serious. But, generally, it is just your body growing to make room for baby! Good Luck, and I hope this helps!
37 weeks pregnant 1/2 cm dialated…Ladies, whats going on? Need your input!?
Q: I know you are suppose to be in pain while pregnant, i just want to know if anyone else had the same pain before going in labor ..or if i still have a while to go…for the past week its like my entire body HURTS. my boobs have become much more tender and sore, my lower back is killing me (sometimes more than other times) i’m pretty sure i am having at least braxton hicks contractions sometimes, my legs ache, and it hurts even to walk, my hips and pelvis area are also in pain…i dont know if the baby has dropped but i started getting up at least 5 times a night this past week to use the bathroom, alsoo-i feel nauseas, my stomach just feels like its knots and anything i try and put in it makes it hurt worse. i’ve had diahrrea (sry tmi) since about 35/36 weeks. am i just preparing for labor or is labor coming? i know this question should be going to my dr, but he really sucks and never answers anything i want to know! just wondering if anyone else is going thru the same :)Thanks in advance ladies.
A: You just need to keep in mind that your body has changed SO much and this last month is the worst! EVERYTHING hurts…sorry! I was dialated 4 cm 8 months….& was in pre term labor at 5 months (I had a aug baby so summer was not fun…i was swollen EVERYWHERE)after all that he came only a week before his due date… but everyone is different…Hang in there…walk a lot if u want to get things moving…and sex (well the seamen) is the best way to naturally induce!
can you get pregnant by rubbing genitals together on your period in the shower?
Q: my boyfriend and i were fooling around in the shower while i had my period. we rubbed our genitals together and we are not sure if precum came out because we were both wet from the shower. the next day my period was noticeably lighter and ended earlier than usual. it is now 8 days since that and my boobs are starting to hurt, im tired and ive been having pains in my stomach. the pains in my stomach have turned out to be gas most of the time but sometimes they go away on their own. i pms about 2 weeks to a week before my period is suppose to come and my period is due in 17 days. my period is suppose to come on november 7. could i be pregnant?oh and just a little note my boyfriend and i have not been sexually active in anyway for about 2 months and when that happens and then we start to fool around my period is always a little late is this normal?
A: You should not be pregnant; technically you cannot get pregnant from just rubbing together. It is common for your boobs to hurt before/after/during your period.I wouldn’t say that it’s normal for your period to come a little late because you fool around, but it is common for your period to come at different times or be irregular unless you are on birth control.
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