Why do commercials say that if you are overweight (even 5lbs) you don’t have control over your life

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do commercials say that if you are overweight (even 5lbs) you don’t have control over your life”,you can compare them.

Those commercials are trying to tell you that if you are obese it means you have no self-discipline, and thus, no control over your own life! Thank you for using ChaCha this evening! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-commercials-say-that-if-you-are-overweight-%28even-5lbs%29-you-don%27t-have-control-over-your-life ]
More Answers to “Why do commercials say that if you are overweight (even 5lbs) you don’t have control over your life
Why do commercials say that if you are overweight (even 5lbs) you…?
Those commercials are trying to tell you that if you are obese it means you have no self-discipline, and thus, no control over your own life! Thank you for using ChaCha this evening!
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