When can you drink alcohol after you have taken a vicodin

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You should avoid drinking alcohol while taking Vicodin. Alcohol may increase your risk of liver damage while taking vicodin because vicodin contains acetaminophen (tylenol) and also may increase the depressant effects of alcohol. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-can-you-drink-alcohol-after-you-have-taken-a-vicodin ]
More Answers to “When can you drink alcohol after you have taken a vicodin
When can you drink alcohol after you have taken a vicodin
You should avoid drinking alcohol while taking Vicodin. Alcohol may increase your risk of liver damage while taking vicodin because vicodin contains acetaminophen (tylenol) and also may increase the depressant effects of alcohol. ChaCha aga…

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Q: I have a prescription for vicodin and I took one around 11AM this morning. I’m going out with some friends tonight around 10-11PM, and I was wondering if it would be ok to drink alcohol? Will the vicodin still be in my system? I don’t want to do anything that can be of harm to myself.
A: Vicodin stays in ones system for at least twelve hours. It may be harmful to your liver to use vicodin and drink alcohol as well. Vicodin, whether you realize it or not, will make you drowsy; and that, on top of alcohol, is not a good idea (driving wise). I would not recommend drinking alcohol and taking vicodin. Be careful!!
how long till I can drink alcohol after taking vicodin?
A: Vicodin is not only a pain killer it has opiates in it.Opiates is a derivative of opium and is a very very strong downer. Drinking alcohol is taking a chance of u not ever walking up.I think if you take this drug u should not drink at all that day.This will make sure u wake up the next day.Everyone that is telling u to take it together is an idiot.Everybody is different and your body might have a low tolerate for drugs and like I said before, u might not wake up.
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Q: I mean, i know it will mess me up, but in a good way for fun or could it send me to the emergency room?
A: 2 words: Marilyn Monroe
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