What should i do for a tooth ach

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Drop oil of clove directly onto the tooth, or dab a little on a cotton ball and pack the elixir next to the ache. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-for-a-tooth-ach ]
More Answers to “What should i do for a tooth ach
What should i do for a tooth ach
Drop oil of clove directly onto the tooth, or dab a little on a cotton ball and pack the elixir next to the ache. ChaCha on!
How can u get ride of a tooth ach?
DONT put aspirin next to the tooth. What an idiot I’ve seen some horrible aspirin burns, down to the bone. besides seeing a dentist painkillers work the best then try some perfume on the tooth use a tooth pick to deliver uh, try tyleniol in…
Can i take Vicodin if im not prescribed to, for a bad tooth ach.??
you can but the thing is it is illegal to take vicodin that is prescribed to someone else. im allergic to penicillin too but i took vicodin after i had a surgery last year also vicodin comes in 5 and 10 milligrams not 500 and 1000

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how to ease the pain of a tooth ach till i see the dentist tomorrow please help?
Q: the one side of my face is swollen my tooth hurts so bad i have taken moriphen pills and that still has not taken the pain away i go in at 1:00 to get it looked at but what can i do till then? what helps a tooth ach when the meds fail? anything?
A: Ice should take down the swelling.
i have a real bad tooth ach?
Q: i lost a tooth and now my gum where the tooth was is starting to hurt alot. is there any home remedies i can use to help ease the pain w/ out going to a dentist. i tried using over the counter tooth ach relivers but they do not work. i want to try a home remedy.
A: If it wasn’t a baby tooth that fell out, there might be roots or something in there that are getting infected. But who knows? Lots of things heal on their own.Make sure you’re flushing it with enough water so there’s NO tiny bits of food trapped in it.Swish with warm salt water every 2 hours… I think it’s 1/4t. per c. of water.Ambecil helps.Make a diluted solution of peroxide and warm water to swish with.Also, a wet, cold tea bag placed on it and VERY gently bitten down.Make a blender drink with ice and juice. Or just ice and water.Good luck. Tooth pain is terrible.
i need this question answered asap! can i take Vicodin if im not prescribed to, for a bad tooth ach.?
Q: i have a bad tooth ach and im worried about taking Vicodin. my boyfriends brother has some for the same problem. im not prescribed to take them tho. is it okay if i take just one? im allergic to penicillin. please answer me asap! this pain is horrible!thanks 🙂 oh hey its a generic vicodin…i guess…. where does it say the mg?i know its illegal, im not dumb but this pain is unbearable! im not taking it go get high!i have a tooth ach from my wisdom teeth coming in…ive take ib proffin but dont work anymore.ill just take IB Proffin thanks everyone
A: you can but the thing is it is illegal to take vicodin that is prescribed to someone else. im allergic to penicillin too but i took vicodin after i had a surgery last year also vicodin comes in 5 and 10 milligrams not 500 and 1000
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