What Severe headaches and fevers could be

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You could be getting the common cold or a pneumonia. You should visit a local doctor and get a diagnosis. It could be something severe that requires medicine. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-severe-headaches-and-fevers-could-be ]
More Answers to “What Severe headaches and fevers could be
What Severe headaches and fevers could be
You could be getting the common cold or a pneumonia. You should visit a local doctor and get a diagnosis. It could be something severe that requires medicine. ChaCha on!
What kind of sickness involves fever between 99.5-103, stomach pa…?
Do you drink enough water? The lack of water can cause the high fluctuating temperature. It can also cause excruciating headaches from the lack of liquid circulation. And if you have been recently been working out if you don’t stretch and …
Is it possible to have a fever without a bad headache??
A fever is just when your body’s temperature is above normal. There are no specific symptoms associated with a fever, so you don’t have to have a headache to have a fever. In fact, you could feel perfectly fine and still have one.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what could be the cause of severe headaches and a fever that won’t go away?
Q: i came home from school one day with really bad chills. i found out i had a fever of around 101 then it got worse. i became really weak and dizzy. over the next 2 days i developed and headache so bad i couldn’t even get out of bed. i feel like im going to throw up. i take medicine and the fever goes away but it always comes back i can’t think of whats wrong? i dont have any pains anywhere. i know its not the flu. its like out of nowhere im fine and now im barely able to function. my fever isn’t that high though. the highest its been has been 102.7 can anyone give me any idea as of what could be wrong? im starting to get worried. i think i could possibly have a brain tumor or something. my headache get so bad that when i put pressure on my right eye its hurts a lot!! :[ im am 17 btw if age helps diagnose anything.
A: You very likely have a severe case of viral meningitis. Usually, this a mild, self-limiting illness (like you described) with the symptoms you stated. If it gets any worse you should go see a doctor.
What do you think could be wrong? Possible meningitis?
Q: I’ve had severe headaches, fever/chills (I’m either too hot or too cold) for the past day or so. I’m very sensitive to light and sound (not so much sound). I’ve had viral meningitis before but can’t remember much of it, could that be it again? And if it is, should I see a doctor or wait for it to go away?
A: It may possibly be meningitis again. But to be completely sure you should go to the doctors.
my child has a fever , severe headache a sore throat and body aches what could it be?
Q: it came on very sudden within 2 hours , he is crying because the headache is so bad and he can hardly talk because of his sore throat.It is very hard to see my child like this and i cant get into see the Dr. until Fridayit came on very sudden within 2 hours, he is crying because the headache is so bad he can hardly talk because his throat is so sore he has bad pains in his stomach and body aches. I cant stand to see my child like this and I cannot get to the doctor until friday. And I am also worried about my one week old daughter getting this. What is it and is there anything I can do to help it.
A: He probably has Viral Infection. It isn’t directly like swine flu or any flu for that matter but it just makes everyone sick so if your child is sick be careful you might catch it and you WILL be sick for at least 3 days. My best suggestion is a doctor visit for the fact you can get a official note for the days of school he missed. They probably wont give him antibiotics. So just baby tylenol, and children Moltrin will help. I Hope he gets better soon because I know exactly how it feels.
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