What is the most effective drug

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most effective drug”,you can compare them.

Penicillin may be the most successful drug ever created. It was one of the best medicines ever to prevent harmful bacteria. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-effective-drug ]
More Answers to “What is the most effective drug
Are Generic Drugs as Effective as Brand-Name Drugs??
A generic drug contains the same active ingredients in the same dosage form as a brand name drug. The strength and purity of generic medications are strictly regulated. The FDA requires all generic manufacturers to demonstrate that a generi…
How effective is drug addiction treatment?
In addition to stopping drug abuse, the goal of treatment is to return people to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and community. According to research that tracks individuals in treatment over extended periods, most people w…
Are Generic Drugs as Effective as Name Brands?
Sick and tired of high drug costs? You’re not alone. Americans spend more than 150 billion dollars per year on pharmaceuticals, and with costs rising all the time, many are looking to generic alternatives. These products promise the same b…

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What is the most effective drug against ring worm?
Q: Corticosteroids with squamus thikenning- invading the Head and palms. I have tried many drugs, some clear it off but it returns as soon as I stop taking the drug. One Dr. said it was a strain of eczema in it 4th phase and prescribed Diprosallic pomade for me- it seemed to be quit effective and cleared it all but bearly a month after treatment it reappeared.I do not know what else to take or to apply.
A: Dermatophyte Infections(Ringworm)Most skin infections respond very well to topical antifungal preparations, such as the imidazoles (miconazole, clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole), ciclopirox, naftifine, or terbinafine. Resistant cases or those with widespread involvement require systemic therapy.Newer systemic drugs include itraconazole and fluconazole, oral triazoles, and terbinafine, a second-generation allylamine. These drugs appear to be safer and more effective than ketoconazole (see also General Therapeutic Principles in Ch. 158), a broad-spectrum oral imidazole derivative that is effective for dermatophyte infections, although occasional liver toxicity (severe or even fatal) limits its use. Itraconazole interacts with many commonly prescribed drugs. Terbinafine delays gastric emptying, and GI side effects occur in 3 to 5% of patients. Disturbances of taste occur less frequently, and hematologic and hepatic side effects are rare. However, liver function should be evaluated at baseline and periodically thereafter. The new antifungals are more effective than griseofulvin in all dermatophytoses, except possibly tinea capitis.Until recently, griseofulvin was the most widely used systemic antifungal
What are the most effective OTC drug names for deworming of dogs?
Q: If there isn’t any most effective OTC drugs, at least the idea where we could get them? – Lionel, Cebu, PhilippinesYou might be telling me “what kind of worms to be targeted?”, but, I think there is this particular deworming drug for all types of worms.Pls. don’t tell me to “go to my vet or ask a vet” thingy. I think there is a particular OTC deworming drug/s for all types of worms. 🙂
A: Panacur, that’s going to help you get rid of your worms, and even gets rid of Giardia. Get the liquid Panacur. 1CC (ORALLY) for every 5 lbs of dog.. Use at your own risk.. It’s not labeled for Dogs, but the vet will give you the same stuff for your dogs. Does Round, Tape, Whip, Hook, Pin, and ur Giardia. If you have just worms, give 3 days in a row.. If you have giardia, give 5 days in a row. Should check with your vet and find out what worms you have before treating, but there ya go.
What”s most cost effective drug plan for disabled person on Medicare?
Q: Wife permenantly disabled after elective surgery went bad. I am now unemployed (although still looking) but cannot afford big dollar prescriptions. Only found l drug on Walmart $4 plan.
A: There is no one most cost effective drug plan, it depends upon her situation and what drugs she is taking. If you can, find an independent agent that will do a cost analysis for you to find the best plan. A good agent can answer the follow questions: How much will her drug co-pays be? Is there a deductible? Will she go into the “donut hole” or coverage gap (where you pay 100% of the drug cost) and, if so, when? How much will her medications be in the gap? Will she come out of the gap, when, and how much will the medications be at that time?Don’t take the stock answer “generic drugs have a $5 co-pay” because some generics are not preferred and will have a Tier 3 co-pay of $50 to $80 per month. Also, some drugs may not even be included in the insurance company’s formulary.Compare the total annual costs of the medication and the premium to find the best plan. The premium and deductible (if any) are not indicative of the best plan.
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