What is the best over the counter medicine for sore throat

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Most sore throats go away without treatment.. No medical therapy exists for sore throats caused by viral infections. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-over-the-counter-medicine-for-sore-throat ]
More Answers to “What is the best over the counter medicine for sore throat
What is the best over the counter medicine for a sore throat??
Try chloraseptic spray or sucking on Halls should also help * Drink warm liquids. Honey or lemon tea is a time-tested remedy. * Gargle several times a day with warm salt water (1/2 tsp of salt in 1 cup water). * Cold liquids or popsicles he…
What over-the-counter medicine is best for a sore throat??
In my experience, the best over the counter medicine for sore throat pain is ibuprofen (advil, motrin) or acetaminophen (tylenol) taken as directed on the bottle. Sore throat pain is like any other pain you may experience, and will respond …
What is the best over the counter medicine to take for sneezing, …?
mucinex for the flem/congestion and tylenol for any pain

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the best over the counter medicine for cold/sore throat?
Q: I have a cold. My throat is really sore, and I can barely speak. I’m taking day quil and nyquil. I also have a fever. What is the best over the counter medicine or whatever that I can take so this can go away faster.
A: Being I was a victim of strep throat all my childhood Ive got a reasonable take on this issue. Back then I found Cloraseptic to be at the top of their game with soothing sore throats. However, a cheaper fix than that which helps is heavy salt water you make yourself at home and gargle often. I mean 4 to 6 times a day.I out grew this issue thus I don’t know whats on the market now and its promised effects but Cloraseptic spray and those lozenges sure did the trick.as far as the hoarseness your experiencing that’s lack of fluids. Drink more water due to the throat being dehydrated. Look into the back of your throat and if you see any spotting on your tonsils or scapula get to the doctor pronto. Your heading for a whole body breakdown like a full blown flue.
What is the best over-the-counter medicine for a sore throat that works really fast?
Q: I need an over the counter medicine that will get rid of my sore throat really fast. I’ve tried cough drops…halls…ricola…and they don’t really help. Any ideas? Thanks!
A: This sounds crazy, but it works.Stick out your tongue for about 30 seconds,then pull it back in and relax for about 30 seconds. Do that about 5 times. The sore throat should be gone. It relaxes the muscles. Make sure that you don’t have strep throat- you can get really sick if it’s not treated! Gargling with warm salt water helps too. Hope you feel better!
What is the best over the counter medicine for a sore throat?
Q: Please I need something anything. My throat hurts so bad.
A: Good ole lemon & honey, honey … will do the job. lol. If you have access to herbs – marshmallow root, or licorice are also helpful. Raw organic honey is always best but any honey will do for now.
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