What is psyllium

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Psyllium is a bulk-forming fiber laxative. Psyllium works by absorbing liquid in the intestines and swelling to create a softer, bulky stool that is easier to pass.Thank you for ChaCha-ing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-psyllium ]
More Answers to “What is psyllium
Psyllium is a soluble fiber (fiber), which is a seed husk that comes from plants most commonly grown in India called plantains, which includes about 200 different species.
Psyllium is a seed that is cultivated mainly for the gelling agent that can be obtained from its coating. Research into the seeds have also found it to be healthy and a great source of fiber….
Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative. It absorbs liquid in the intestines and makes a bulky, softer stool which is easier to pass. Psyllium is used to treat constipation. Psyllium may also be used to treat diarrhea and to lower cholesterol w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Can I buy psyllium in the store, at a Target or Wal-Mart?
A: Wal-mart has their version of Metamucil at a good price. It is next to the regular Metamucil in the pharmacy area.
Can I replace flour with psyllium husks for frying chicken or burger patties?
Q: Hi, I have severe allergic reactions to flower but I seem to be OK taking psyllium husks. I miss spreading my burger patties and chicken with flour when I fry them and was wondering if psyllium husks could be a good replacement. Please let me know!Thanks.
A: Psyllium husks have a very different texture from wheat flour. They are coarser and bulkier / fluffier. They are mostly cellulose fibre, whereas wheat flour is mostly protein (gluten). If you were to grind them up in a food processor into as fine a powder as possible, you could give it a try. If your allergies permit, you might prefer to try corn starch instead or a non-wheat flour such as buckwheat (which is not wheat at all) or rice flour or any of the many other flours that are available.
Is Psyllium Husk healthy for a teenager to take on a daily basis?
Q: I’m not trying to lose weight or anything, it’s just that i’m curious. Whenever I’m sick, mii parents (who are both doctors) tell me put half a spoon of it in a cup of hot water and it actually helps. However, my parents never limit me to a certain amount. How many teaspoons of Psyllium Husk is too much?
A: Psyllium has no real toxicity so you can take a fair amount. The only thing you need to be concerned about is how much you take at any one time. Too much all at once may increase your risk of bowel or esophageal obstruction. Take with plenty of water in 1-3 teaspoon doses and you’ll be fine. The recommended fiber intake is 25-30 grams. Depending upon the particular formulation you are using each teaspoon may have as much as 5 g fiber. For most people 3-4 teaspoons a day would get them to this goal along with their normal diet.
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