What is it called when a blood cell shrinks

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Crenation (n) is the process resulting from osmosis in which red blood cells, in a hypertonic solution, undergo shrinkage and MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-a-blood-cell-shrinks ]
More Answers to “What is it called when a blood cell shrinks
What is it called when a blood cell shrinks
Crenation (n) is the process resulting from osmosis in which red blood cells, in a hypertonic solution, undergo shrinkage and MORE
What causes red blood cells to shrink?
salt because salt has lower concentration then blood so the water from the blood cells diffuse

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Q: If the concentration of solution around the red blood cells is higher than the concentration of substances inside the cell, water will leave the cell by Osmosis, what is it called when an excessive amount of water has left the cell, causing it to shrivel up so it can no longer carry oxygen?And what is it called when an excessive amount of water has entered into the blood cell by Osmosis, so the cell swells up, bursts and dies?
A: In a Hypotonic solution, an animal cell will take on an excessive amount of water and burst. This cell is said to have ‘lysed’. Because they have cell walls, plant cells do not burst. Instead, a plant cell will swell and be referred to as Turgid.In a Hypertonic solution, an animal cell will lose water and the book here just calls it ‘shriveled’. A plant cell also withers and is referred to as ‘plasmolyzed’
Red blood cell placed into each of the following solutions.Indicate wether crenation,hemolysis, or niether.?
Q: An animal cell placed in a hypertonic solution will shrink in a process called crenation. An animal cell placed in a hypotonic solution will swell and potentially burst in a process called hemolysis.To prevent crenation or hemolysis, an animal cell must be placed in an isotonic solution such as 0.9% (m/v) NaCl or 5.0% (m/v) glucose. This does not mean that a cell has a 5.0% (m/v) glucose concentration; it just means that 5.0% (m/v) glucose will exert the same osmotic pressure as the solution inside the cell, which contains several different solutes.Solution A: 3.21% (m/v) NaCl Solution B: 1.65% (m/v) glucose Solution C: distilled H2O Solution D: 6.97% (m/v) glucose Solution E: 5.0% (m/v) glucose and 0.9%(m/v) NaCl
A: Solution A: CrenationSolution B: HemolysisSolution C: HemolysisSolution D: CrenationSolution E: Neither
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