What do you do when you get a charlie horse

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Light massage may help alleviate the pain of a muscle cramp. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-do-when-you-get-a-charlie-horse ]
More Answers to “What do you do when you get a charlie horse
What to do when you get a charlie horse?
At the first sign of a muscle spasm, stop your activity and try stretching and massaging the affected muscle. Heat will relax the muscle at first, although ice may be helpful after the first spasm and when the pain has improved. If the musc…
How do you get rid of charlie horse?
Don’t those hurt…OWWWW. Get up and move around to get the blood flowing. Massage the afflicted limb. If you get them quite often take calcium and Vit E. found that worked for me and others. I really hate waking up and trying to slide over…
How to get rid of charley horse.?
When playing sports, drinking a lot of water and stretching before and after being physically active is the only way to avoid getting those painful muscle knots and spasms. Calf stretches are so important to avoid injury. Try drinking a lot…

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when a charlie horse goes on for 6 hrs, is it not a charlie horse?
Q: This follows a very stupid injury. The pain is exactly like charlie horse pain, but I’ve never had one that lasted more than a minute. Can it last for hours?
A: That sounds like a charlie durby to me!Yes if you hurt yourself they can last a long time but it not a good sign. I have had it happen to me but it was in my back:(
What to do when you get a charlie horse?
Q: Earlyer today I got a really bad leg cramp, My mom told me it was a charlie horse. I’m not sure shes right though, does anyone know if thats true? If you do, do you know how to stop them quickly or how to just prevent them in general?
A: At the first sign of a muscle spasm, stop your activity and try stretching and massaging the affected muscle. Heat will relax the muscle at first, although ice may be helpful after the first spasm and when the pain has improved. If the muscle is still sore, try ibuprofen or an anti-inflammatory and also drink lots of fluid.
Charlie horse leg cramps? When t happens is the muscle breaking down?
Q: I know if some people dont get the right diet they can actually send their body into keyosis- where the body breaks down muscle to fuel itself because it si either out fo fat or wants to save its ast reserves.when a charlie horse happens, is that part of wahts going on?(i understand calcuim potassium and hydration ahve alot to do with it too, and charlie horses are basically from mineral deficiancy, but do they casue muscle breakdown?
A: You are asking a question that could have many answers. A charlie horse could be caused by a single mineral deficiency, or by multiple minerals. It could be caused by lack of excercise. It could be caused by too much excercise. It could be from poor circulation in your legs. The only way to know for sure is to see a doctor.pp
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